ONBound - Old and new boundaries: National Identities and Religion

In times of globalization on the one hand, and growing divergence also within society e.g. in terms of wealth and life chances on the other hand, national and religious identities seem to re-gain salience as markers for exclusion, or inclusion, for a differentiation between "us" and "them".

The ONBound project (funded by DFG) seeks to increase the understanding of how national and religious identities are intertwined, or exclude each other, in the modern world. On this purpose, we browsed a vast array of existing individual level and contextual data and built a database that offers the opportunity for scientific research to explore these issues. Beyond individual-level survey data the database contains relevant country-level indicators for research questions on one or both topics. The time frame reaches from 1970 until today for the individual- and from 1945 until today for the country-level data. Due to copyright restrictions, researchers need to download the original datasets from the original sources. Thereupon, ONBound provides a set of customized syntax files for cumulation and harmonization of the data, to be accessed via the ONBound Harmonization Wizard.

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These documents give you a profound overview on what data to expect:

Overview micro data (2.40 MB)  -  Micro data documentation (632 kB)  -  Macro data documentation (729 kB)

ONBound User Guide (580 kB)

Data Citation

Bechert, Insa, May, Antonia, Quandt, Markus and Werhan, Katharina.2020. ONBound - Old and new boundaries: National Identities and Religion. Customized dataset. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. http://onbound.gesis.org/wizard. [Date of dataset compilation]. 

User Guide Citation

May, Antonia, Werhan, Katharina, Bechert, Insa and Quandt, Markus (2020): ONBound User Guide. Retrieved from URL http://onbound.gesis.org/wizard. [date of download].  

ONBound Cumulation and Harmonization

Dr. Insa Bechert, Dr. Markus Quandt, Antonia May, Katharina Werhan

Contact onbound@gesis.org

ONBound, Focucing on the sub-project ‘Religion and Nation in Constitutions worldwide (RNCw)’

Data included in ONBound data base

Prof. Annette Schnabel, Kathrin Behrens

(both Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf,

Harmonization Wizard

Dr. Brigitte Mathiak, Matthäus Zloch

International Collaborators

Prof. Dr. Ferruccio Biolcati-Rinaldi and Dr. Cristiano Vezzoni (both University of Milan, Italy)

Prof. Dr. Mikael Hjerm (University of Umea, Sweden)

Bechert, Insa. 2021. "Of Pride and Prejudice—A Cross-National Exploration of Atheists’ National Pride." Religions 2021, 12 (8): 648. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel12080648

Behrens, K. (2020). Formal Citizenship in European Constitutions. In M. Bayer, O. Schwarz, & T. Stark (Eds.), Edition Politik: Vol. 85. Democratic Citizenship in Flux: Conceptions of Citizenship in the Light of Political and Social Fragmentation (1st ed., pp. 83–101). transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839449493-005

Biolcati, F., Molteni, F., Quandt, M., & Vezzoni, C. (2020). Church Attendance and Religious change Pooled European dataset (CARPE): a survey harmonization project for the comparative analysis of long-term trends in individual religiosity. Quality & Quantity. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-020-01048-9

May, A., Werhan, K., Bechert, I., & Quandt, M. (2021). ONBound-Harmonization User Guide (Stata/SPSS), Version1.1. (GESIS Papers, 2021/04). Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.72442

Quandt, M., & Lomazzi, V. (2017). «Faith, love, and hope, these three». On the (non-) effects of Christian religiosity on citizens' identification with Europe. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia(4), 831–860. https://doi.org/10.1423/88796

Schmidt, P., & Quandt, M. (2018). National identity, nationalism, and attitudes toward migrants in comparative perspective. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 59(5-6), 355–361. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020715218816242

Schnabel, A., Behrens, K. & Grötsch, F. (2017). Religion in European constitutions – cases of different secularities, European Societies. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2017.1334946

Schnabel, A. (2018). Religion und Nation – Same, same but different? In M. Reddig, A. Schnabel, & H. Winkel (Eds.), Religion im Kontext | Religion in Context (pp. 287–304). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783845276649-286/religion-und-nation-same-same-but-different?page=1

Schnabel, A. (2020). Wie viel Religion und Nation braucht der Staat? Administrativ-rechtsförmige Solidaritäten und ihre identitätsbasierten Grundlagen in Europa. Berliner Journal Für Soziologie, 30(1), 79–111. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11609-020-00411-9

Schnabel, A., Behrens, K., Hönes, L., & Beyer, H. (2020). Religion and Nation in Constitutions Worldwide (RNCw) (Version: 1.0.0). https://data.gesis.org/sharing/#!Detail/10.7802/1991; https://doi.org/10.7802/1991

Schnabel, A., Beyer, H., & Behrens, K. (2020). Religious Freedom, Equality Rights and their Contentious Implementation: Norm Conflicts Deriving from the Chasm between International and National Human Rights. In M. K. Dahlin, O. Larsson, & A. Winell (Eds.), Routledge studies in religion. Religion, migration, and existential wellbeing (pp. 36–53). Routledge.