Online Discussion: Gender statistics for policy-makers

Kategorien: Wissenschaftspolitik; Europa und Internationales; Geschlechterverhältnisse; Gleichstellungspolitik; Netzwerke und Organisationen; Statistik; Wissenschaft Aktuell

Invitation text:

"EIGE has developed a comprehensive database of key statistics and data on gender equality. Structured to reflect the EU policy-areas and its strategic documents, EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database is a one-stop source for gender statistics in Europe

To get a full overview of the latest data on gender equality, explore the database and engage with EIGE experts live, you are invited to join the online discussion on 23 May 2017, 10.00am - 4.00pm CET.

Knowledge and expertise on gender statistics are not required as this online discussion doesn't address the technical aspects of the database.

If interested to join, please login to your EuroGender accounts and click Join online discussion here. 

There are several points on our Agenda, but the following are the main sessions:

o   10.00 to 10.10: Welcome

o   10.10 to 12.00: EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database - a rich and centralised source of gender statistics for policy-makers

o   12.00 to 13.00: Lunch break

o   13.00 to 14.00: How could the database support your policy work?

o   14.00 to 15.30: Latest figures on women and men in decision-making

o   15.30 to 16.00: Q&A

Should you have further questions, please contact us at eurogender(at)eige.europa(dot)eu."