Wer übersetzt am besten Fragebögen? Der Einfluss von Übersetzerhintergrund und Übersetzungstechnologien auf die Übersetzungsqualität (TransBack)


This project looks into questionnaire translation methodology in cross-national and cross-cultural survey research, with the goal to identify and subsequently disseminate comparability-enhancing methods. We will investigate two potential key drivers of translation quality, namely, the human translators themselves and machine translation. More specifically, we will investigate
(1) how the background and experience of the human translators (translation practitioners vs. social scientists) impacts translation quality; and, against the backdrop of the current technological transformation of the translation and survey industry,
(2) how the usage of machine translation as a basis for post-editing impacts translation quality. The project will take a uniquely comprehensive perspective on translation quality that comprises expert evaluations, survey-based quality indicators, and the link between these two.


2022-09-15 – 2025-09-14


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft