Horizon 2020 - Closing gender gaps in Research and Innovation

Kategorien: Wissenschaftspolitik; Europa und Internationales; Geschlechterverhältnisse; Gleichstellungspolitik; Statistik; Wissenschaft Aktuell

To further improve gender balance in Horizon 2020, more women experts and experts with gender expertise are needed. The EU Commission published an updated version of the infographic "Gender Equality in Research and Innovation". The graphic displays some indicators from the forthcoming "She Figures 2019" and data on "Horizon 2020".

The European Commission is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation (R&I). It is part of the Commission's Strategic engagement for gender equality in all EU policies for the period 2016-2019. In addition, the EU has a well-established regulatory framework on gender equality, including binding Directives, which apply widely across the labour market including the research sector.

Though gender inequalities in R&I persist, the latest “She Figures” publication shows that some progress has been made, although attrition continues to exist at higher levels of a scientific career. The most recent data indicate that women made up 48% of PhD graduates in the EU (EU-28), but made up only 34% of researchers and 24% of top-level researchers (grade A). It is even lower at the level of heads of institutions with a mere 22 %. These figures show that only limited progress has been made since 2011.

Because of the peculiarities of the research sector, specific action is needed to overcome persisting gender gaps. Gender equality is addressed in European Research and Innovation policy in two different ways: through its main funding instrument Horizon 2020, and within the European Research Area in collaboration with Member States and research organisations. It pursues three objectives, namely:
- gender equality in scientific careers,
- gender balance in decision making, and
- integration of the gender dimension into the content of research and innovation.

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