New team member for CEWS and EU project INSPIRE

Kategorien: Gleichstellungspolitik; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Hochschulen, Hochschulforschung; Europa; Wissenschaft Aktuell; CEWS Aktuell

In February 2023, postdoctoral researcher Mazlum Karataş joined the CEWS team at GESIS. He will be working on the EU-funded project INSPIRE which aims to be Europe’s sustainable center of excellence, globally renowned for the quality of its research and analysis produced on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. He will use his experience with research techniques in this position to help society understand the factors that affect gender equality and diversity in academic institutions and in other research-intensive organizations.

Mazlum Karataş is a quantitative researcher with a Ph.D. in Economics and pursued his Ph.D. as well as his Master’s degree at Università Politecnica delle Marche in Italy. The deepening focus of his doctoral studies has been on the impact of cultural factors on international trade and economics. Utilizing big data, he applied recent econometric models to conduct his research.