Taking up the fight against right-wing populism: “We must keep gender in EU research”

Kategorien: Diversity, Antidiskriminierung, Intersektionalität; Europa und Internationales; Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung; Geschlechterverhältnisse; Gleichstellungspolitik; Wissenschaft Aktuell

Right-wing populism has infiltrated the EU and is challenging gender equality values in European research, according to the Czech sociologist Marcela Linkova. She wants to put gender on the map in the new research programme Horizon Europe.

"Gender research is under threat in Europe. How will that affect the role of gender in European research? This is the question that many gender equality proponents are now asking as negotiations on the framework for the research programme Horizon Europe are under way in Brussels.

In 2021, Horizon Europe will replace the existing research programme, Horizon 2020. With a budget of almost EUR 100 billion, Horizon Europe will be the largest research programme of all time. This means that the criteria for receiving research funding and the objectives that are set will have a major impact on the kinds of research that Europe conducts during the programme’s seven-year period..."

Read more under: kifinfo, Author: Benedicte Sørum, December 3, 2018

KiF: The Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF) 2018-2021 provides support and recommendations on measures contributing to gender balance and diversity in the Norwegian research sector.