Kompetenz­zentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung

Embracing Faith and Desire. Autumn School on the Anthropology of Gender, Sexuality and Religion

Ort: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
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"This Autumn School explores the intersections of gender, sexuality and religion from an anthropological lens. In many contemporary societies across the globe these intersections have been both enacted as sites of volatile contestation and creative transformation. On the one hand, the darker side of this relationship often manifests in the controversies and tensions around how religious conservatism hampers gender equality, facilitates gender based violence and reproduces marginalization of people of non-heteronormative and non-cis-normative genders and sexualities. On the other hand, we cannot ignore the facts that for many of those being subjected to these oppressive dimensions of religious discourse, religion has also become a source for not only attaining solace and spiritual joy but also means cultivating personal and collective wellbeing.

This four-day Autumn School aims to provide young and emerging scholars (advanced MA-students and PhD-students) in social and cultural anthropology with analytical, theoretical, and methodological tools for the study of gendered and sexualized dynamics in religious contexts. It brings together junior researchers from a variety of global and national contexts with leading scholars from internationally renowned research institutions. This set-up enriches the understanding of the participants of new critical developments in the fields of the anthropology of gender, sexuality, and religion and enables an in-depth theoretical exploration of their individual research projects. In addition to focused lectures, readings, and class discussions, the School will provide graduate students from around the world with opportunities to develop academic writing and presentation skills through collaborative work with senior researchers and leading experts in the field."

Further information:


Deadline for application is 15 June 2023

Please send your applications directly to Viola Thimm: viola.thimm(at)fau(dot)de and Ferdiansyah Thajib: ferdi.thajib(at)fau(dot)de)