We are pleased to officially present the European Congress on Domestic Violence that will be held in Barcelona on September 3, 4 and 5, 2025 and will be hosted by the research group CREA and AUCFEM (University Association Science, Feminism and Masculinities). This congress has 10 years of experience as a scientific event for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to come together and raise awareness on domestic violence and other forms of gender- based violence and its impact on individuals and society. This edition is titled "Forms and Responses to Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women in the 21st Century". The contributions of the congress aim to share recent advances in knowledge about both established and new forms of domestic violence and violence against women across Europe, as well as the political and social impacts achieved and the differences that have been made to the lives of victims and survivors.
You will find more useful information on the Congress website.
European Conference on Domestic Violence, Barcelona
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