Kompetenz­zentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung

Workshop “Gender public policies of the 21st century: advances and challenges”

Ort: hybrid
.ics / iCalendar: Kalenderdatei herunterladen

The Workshop “Gender public policies of the 21st century: advances and challenges” that will take place at the International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP3). The event will take place in a hybrid format in Prague from 28 to 30 June 2022. The call is available at: https://www.ippapublicpolicy.org/conference/iwpp3-budapest/paper-add/15/1261#

"The objective of this workshop is to gather scientific and multidisciplinary contributions that address issues related to public gender policies. We expect contributions that address the complexity of these phenomena from different disciplines and theoretical and methodological perspectives. We are particularly interested in articles that address both ethnic diversity and the intersection between different social forces, classes and cultures. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • social movements (feminists, women, human rights organizations) and their role in public debate and in the implementation of laws and policies in defense and expansion of women's rights, including web-based activism and social media;
  • educational policies and legislation on sexuality: teacher training, teaching materials, curricular spaces, gender perspective and extension of rights;
  • public policies and relevant legislation to combat violence against women (laws and policies against femicide; domestic, sexual and reproductive violence; human trafficking, forced marriage, mutilation and abortion);
  • innovative theories and methodologies that make it possible to critically address problems involving gender inequality.

Call for papers until 31 January 2022.
