"This paper focuses on men and women and the gender segregation of jobs in the Baltic countries. Based
on the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian labour force survey data, a look is taken at the employment
structure of men and women by industries and occupations, as well as at the question whether or
not gender segregation in the labour market has been increased after the collapse of the communist
systems in the region under consideration. Empirical data demonstrate that in respect to industrial
gender segregation there is some increase in Estonia and Latvia, but not in Lithuania. Occupational gender
segregation demonstrates more stability in all three Baltic States. Compared to the Western European
countries, the main trend is towards bigger similarities." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Gender; gender; Segregation; segregation; Arbeitsmarkt; labor market; soziale Ungleichheit; social inequality; Baltikum; Baltic States; Estland; Estonia; Lettland; Latvia; Litauen; Lithuania; Beschäftigung; employment; Mann; man; woman; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; employment trend; Berufsstruktur; occupational distribution; postkommunistische Gesellschaft; post-communist society
SSOAR Kategorie:Arbeitsmarktforschung, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung