Who is really 'left behind'? Half a century of gender differences in the school-to-work transitions of low-educated youth
Struffolino, Emanuela; Borgna, Camilla
Quelle: Journal of Youth Studies, 23 (2020) , S 1-24
Inhalt: At a time of growing expectations about educational attainment, young people who did not complete upper-secondary schooling can easily be ‘left behind’ to face risks of social exclusion. Being able to make a rapid and successful transition into a first significant job is crucial for long-term labor-market attachment. We approach the question of continuity or change in school-to-work transitions by comparing the experiences of four birth cohorts of early school leavers in Italy, where they still constitute a sizeable group as of today. Italy makes for an interesting case study due to the length of school-to-work transitions and the extent of gender differences in this phase. In an era of educational expansion and increased female activation, studying changes in low-educated women’s labor-market access brings into focus the question of who is really left behind. Using data from the 2009 ‘Multi-purpose Survey on Household and Social Subjects,’ we use discrete time logistic regression models to estimate the probability of transitioning to the first significant job for early school leavers born between 1954 and 1993. We find that gender differences are strikingly persistent across birth cohorts, even after controlling for sociodemographic variables as well as for time-varying fertility and partnership histories.
Schlagwörter:Italien; Italy; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Schulabbruch; dropping out of school; Bildungsniveau; level of education; gender-specific factors; Vulnerabilität; vulnerability; Exklusion; exclusion; early school leaving; school-to-work transition; multi-purpose; Survey on Household and Social Subjects
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Einflüsse von akademischer Sozialisation und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulischen Leistungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen
Titelübersetzung:Effects of academic socialization and emotional closeness to parents on children's and adolescents' school achievement
Walper, Sabine; Thönnissen, Carolin; Alt, Philipp
Quelle: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 27 (2015) 2
Inhalt: "Mit Blick auf die Bildungsbedeutung der Familie untersucht diese Studie längsschnittliche Einflüsse des elterlichen Schulengagements und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulische Leistungsentwicklung im 2-Jahres-Zeitraum. Im Mittelpunkt stehen zwei Aspekte akademischer Sozialisation: die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern und deren Interesse an schulischen Belangen der Kinder. Die Daten für 469 Kinder im Alter zwischen 8 und 16 Jahren stammen aus dem Deutschen Beziehungsund Familienpanel pairfam. In multiplen Regressionen, die zahlreiche Hintergrundfaktoren, den früheren Leistungsstand sowie das Problemverhalten der Kinder kontrollieren, erweist sich lediglich die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern als relevant. Während das Alter der Kinder keinen moderierenden Einfluss auf die Bedeutung akademischer Sozialisation und die Verbundenheit mit den Eltern hat, trägt die Bildungsorientierung nur bei hoher Verbundenheit der Kinder mit den Eltern zu besseren schulischen Leistungen bei. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Bedeutung elterlicher Bildungsaspirationen, vor allem im Kontext einer positiven Eltern-Kind-Beziehung." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "Focusing family influences on children's academic development, the present study investigated longitudinal effects of parental school involvement as well as children’s closeness to parents as predictors of school achievement across two years. Two aspects of academic socialization were of particular interest: parents' aspirations for higher education and their interest in children's schooling. Data for 469 children (age 8 to 16 years) came from the German Family Panel pairfam. Multiple regression analyses controlling for a variety of background factors, children's previous grades, and their problem behavior revealed significant effects of parents' educational aspirations only. Whereas children's age did not moderate the effects of closeness to parents or those of academic socialization, higher closeness to parents proved to facilitate effects of parents' educational aspirations. The findings emphasize the role of parental aspirations, particularly in the context of a positive parent-child relationship." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; parent-child relationship; Schulleistung; academic achievement; Elternhaus-Schule; home-school interaction; Bildungsverhalten; education behavior; Motivation; motivation; familiale Sozialisation; family socialization; Bildungsniveau; level of education; sozioökonomische Faktoren; socioeconomic factors; gender-specific factors; soziale Herkunft; social background; Federal Republic of Germany; elterliches Schulengagement
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Familiensoziologie, Sexualsoziologie
Transnational biographies
Titelübersetzung:Transnational Biographies
Apitzsch, Ursula; Siouti, Irini
Quelle: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung, 15 (2014) 1-2, S 11-23
Inhalt: "In this paper we discuss the concept of transnational biographies in migration studies. We use a biographical case study from the relatively new research field of advancement through education to explore that a transnational biography is not just a product of subjectivity but also a way of gaining access to invisible but nonetheless objective structures of transnational migration spaces. Our thesis is that the discovery and use of a transnational European educational space made it possible for second generation migrants in Germany to circumvent the exclusionary mechanisms of the German education system much more effectively than through unconditional assimilation into that system." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Migration; migration; Biographie; biography; Transnationalität; transnationality; Arbeitsmigration; labor migration; Assimilation; assimilation; soziale Integration; social integration; Bildungsverlauf; course of education; Bildungsniveau; level of education; Migrant; migrant; zweite Generation; second generation; Bildungschance; educational opportunity; beruflicher Aufstieg; career advancement; Federal Republic of Germany; Migrationsforschung; migration research; Forschungsansatz; research approach
SSOAR Kategorie:Migration, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Education Matters, but Who Can Attain It? Attitudes towards Education and Educational Attainment in Estonia
Täht, Kadri; Paškov, Marii
Quelle: Studies of Transition States and Societies, 5 (2009) 2, S 52-70
Inhalt: Education is one of the most important determinants of socio-economic success in modern societies, but educational inequality remains an important societal problem. The aim of this study was to look at public attitudes towards the value of education and views on the opportunities to access education in Estonia. Using data from the Estonian Social Equality and Inequality Study (2010), the findings of the current study suggested that education is highly valued in Estonia, but the public also tends to think that access to education is not equally available to everybody. Furthermore, we found that there is a social-status-based structure in the views of the value of education and access to education. Lower social status groups tend to value education as less important for success in life, and these lower social status groups are also more likely to think that chances to access higher education are not equal for everybody, but that wealth, gender, ethnicity and social status matter. Similarly, inequality of opportunity is also felt more strongly within the ethnic minority group, the non-Estonians, than it is amongst Estonians.
Schlagwörter:Estland; Estonia; Bildungsniveau; level of education; Bildungsungleichheit; educational inequality; Bildungschance; educational opportunity; Hochschulzugang; university admission; Bildungsbeteiligung; participation in education; sozialer Status; social status; sozioökonomische Faktoren; socioeconomic factors; öffentliche Meinung; public opinion; value of education; access to education
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Gender and household education expenditure in Pakistan
Aslam, Monazza; Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi
Quelle: Applied Economics, 40 (2008) 20, S 2573-2591
Inhalt: Pakistan has very large gender gaps in educational outcomes. One explanation could be that girls receive lower educational expenditure allocations than boys within the household, but this has never convincingly been tested. This article investigates whether the intra-household allocation
of educational expenditure in Pakistan favours males over females. It also explores two different explanations for the failure of the extant 'Engel curve' studies to detect gender-differentiated treatment in education even where gender bias is strongly expected. Using individual level data
from the latest household survey from Pakistan, we posit two potential channels of gender bias: bias in the decision whether to enrol/ keep sons and daughters in school, and bias in the decision of education expenditure conditional on enrolling both sons and daughters in school. In middle and secondary school ages, evidence points to significant pro-male biases in both the enrolment decision as well as the decision of how much to spend conditional on enrolment. However, in the primary school age-group, only the former channel of bias applies. Results suggest that the observed strong gender difference in education expenditure is a within rather than an across household phenomenon.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; private household; gender; Junge; education; Ausgaben; Pakistan; Bildungsbeteiligung; girl; Gender; expenditures; Mädchen; boy; level of education; gender-specific factors; Bildungsniveau; Pakistan; Privathaushalt; participation in education; education expenditure
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Small town development and urban illiteracy: comparative evidence from Leicestershire marriage registers 1754-1890
Titelübersetzung:Kleinstadtentwicklung und städtisches Analphabetentum: vergleichende Aussagen anhand des Heiratsregisters von Leicestershire 1754-1890
Hoyler, Michael
Quelle: Historical Social Research, 23 (1998) 1/2, S 202-230
Inhalt: Mit dem Aufkommen einer allgemeinen Bildung im England der Frühmoderne werden die geographisch bedingten Bildungsunterschiede offenbar. Aus drei Kleinstädten mit jeweils unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsfunktionen werden die anglikanischen Heiratsregister des Zeitraums 1754 - 1890 analysiert. Auf dieser Grundlage wird gefragt, wie sich zur Zeit der Industrialisierung in Kleinstadtgesellschaften vor allem die sozioökonomischen Unterschiede auf das Bildungsniveau auswirkten. Ferner wird nach Unterschieden zwischen einer Stadt und ihrer Umgebung gefragt. So werden Muster des Analphabetentums herausgearbeitet. Dabei zeigt sich ein enger und geschlechtsspezifischer Zusammenhang zwischen Analphabetismus und städtischen Beschäftigungs- und Sozialstrukturen. Bildung beeinflußte nur dann das Heiratsalter und verband sich mit großer Heiratsentfernung, wenn beide Gatten in der Lage waren, das Heiratsregister zu unterzeichnen. Anderenfalls rangierten sozioökonomische Bestimmungsfaktoren vor Bildungsfaktoren. (prf)
Inhalt: 'Geographical variations in literacy levels are a constituent feature of the long process of educational expansion in England. Based on the analysis of Anglican marriage registers for the period 1754 to 1890, the article explores patterns of illiteracy in three small Leicestershire towns with contrasting economic functions. Illiteracy levels were closely related to urban occupational and social structures, which also affected distinct gender differentials. Evidence on the effect of literacy on age at marriage and marriage distance suggests that demographic behaviour and spatial interaction were determined more by socio-economic factors than by the possession of literacy skills. Literacy attainment, however, was linked to extended marriage distances when both spouses could sign the register.' (author s abstract)
Schlagwörter:Alphabetisierung; Industrialisierung; regional mobility; historische Entwicklung; wedding; small town; Heirat; eighteenth century; historical development; economic factors; Bildungsniveau; literacy; Lebensalter; 19. Jahrhundert; Kleinstadt; regionale Mobilität; city-country relationship; wirtschaftliche Faktoren; industrialization; comparison; Großbritannien; 18. Jahrhundert; level of education; Great Britain; gender-specific factors; age; Vergleich; nineteenth century; Stadt-Land-Beziehung
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Makroebene des Bildungswesens, Sozialgeschichte, historische Sozialforschung, Bevölkerung