The study intends to comprehend the underrepresentation of women on positions of power and
academic excellence in academia. The study explained the role of exploitation and harassment,
which might hinder, when women were trying to climb to top hierarchical position. The majority
of women supervised by male heads, sexual harassment could be used as a glass ceiling to hamper
women to reach top hierarchal level. The majority participants were working on lower academic
and administrative hierarchy; they were experiencing harassment throughout the hierarchical
level. Similarly, they considered that harassment could contribute to the underrepresentation of
women at academic excellence and a position of power.
Schlagwörter:women's employment; academic (female); discrimination; Akademikerin; Pakistan; power; university; Diskriminierung; beruflicher Aufstieg; Südasien; deprivation; sexuelle Belästigung; inequality; executive position; career advancement; gender; Stereotyp; Macht; Benachteiligung; Universität; Gender; stereotype; woman; sexual harassment; sociocultural factors; South Asia; soziokulturelle Faktoren; Führungsposition; gender-specific factors; Ungleichheit; Pakistan; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; Glass Ceiling
CEWS Kategorie:Sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt
SSOAR Kategorie:Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie, Arbeitsmarktforschung, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung