Faith-based organisations as welfare providers in Brazil: the conflict over gender in cases of domestic violence
Beecheno, Kim
Quelle: Social Inclusion, 7 (2019) 2, S 14-23
Inhalt: What does the growth of faith-based organisations (FBOs) in social welfare mean for women’s rights and gender equality, especially within advocacy services for women experiencing domestic violence? Through empirical research within a Catholic-based organisation providing welfare services to abused women in São Paulo, Brazil, this article argues that FBOs can negatively impact the provision of women's rights when conservative and patriarchal views towards gender and women’s roles in society are maintained. A heavily matrifocal perspective, where women’s identity and subjectivity are mediated through their normative roles as wives, mothers and carers of the family, appears to offer little possibility of change for abused women, who are encouraged to forgive violent husbands and question their own behaviour. Mediation between couples is promoted, undermining women's rights upheld through Brazil's domestic violence law (Lei Maria da Penha no 11.340). Furthermore, the focus of family preservation, supported by a patriarchal state, means that violence against women (VAW) appears to be subordinated to a focus on family violence and violence against children. In this case, faith-based involvement in social welfare rejects the feminist analysis of VAW as a gender-based problem, viewing it as a personal issue rather than a collective or political issue, making women responsible for the violence in their lives.
Schlagwörter:gender; domestic violence; organizations; häusliche Gewalt; Brazil; Organisationen; katholische Kirche; violence; Wohlfahrt; welfare; Gewalt; woman; Recht; Religion; Catholic Church (Roman); religion; law; Brasilien; Brazil; Catholic church; domestic violence; faith-based organisations; gender; religion; violence; welfare; women; women’s rights
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Recht, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Sonstiges zur Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik
Making structural change with relational power: a gender analysis of faith-based community organizing
Garlington, Sarah B.; Durham Bossaller, Margaret R.; Shadik, Jennifer A.; Shaw, Kerri A.
Quelle: Social Inclusion, 7 (2019) 2, S 24-32
Inhalt: This article presents research on faith-based community organizing in the US to examine how congregation members engage in structural change efforts related to marginalized populations. Examining the case of one organizing model, justice ministry, congregations focus on power defined through relationships, cultivated in informal spaces, and communicated through personal narrative (traditionally private, feminine spheres), and change is enacted by creating tension in public (traditionally masculine) spaces with decision-makers. A growing body of literature presents nuanced gender analyses of policy advocacy, social movements, and community change efforts both in terms of strategic models of action and revisiting our understanding of historical movements. We ask questions about how the expectations and work are constrained or facilitated by cultural expectations of gender roles and power dynamics. Examining the organizing model of justice ministry through a gender lens helps to understand how an emphasis on relational power (traditionally gendered as feminine) facilitates and strengthens the use of a range of tools, including publicly challenging authority (more frequently gendered as masculine). While the private/public, feminine/masculine dichotomy has severe limitations and risks oversimplification, the utility remains in helping name and challenge real power differentials based on gender.
Schlagwörter:Organisationen; organizations; Religion; religion; USA; United States of America; gender; Leistung; achievement; Analyse; analysis; Macht; power; Justiz; judiciary; Ministerium; ministry; faith-based community organizing; gender; justice ministry; power analysis; relational power; religion
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Organisationssoziologie, Militärsoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Changing Gender Norms in Islam Between Reason and Revelation
Bakhshizadeh, Marziyeh
Quelle: Opladen, 2018. 247 S
Inhalt: Women‘s movements in Islamic countries have had a long and arduous journey in their quest for the realization of human rights and genuine equality. The author examines whether discriminatory laws against women do in fact originate from Islam and, ultimately, if there is any interpretation of Islam compatible with gender equality. She investigates women’s rights in Iran since the 1979 Revolution from the perspectives of the main currents of Islamic thought, fundamentalists, reformists, and seculars, using a sociological explanation. The disputes about human reason and its relation to revelation can be traced in various Islamic schools of thought since the eighth century AD. However, the disputes have intensified since the eighteenth century when Muslims faced challenges to their faith and social order, brought about by modernity and enlightenment from the West. There were various reactions within the Islamic world. These reflections produced different interpretations of Islam that can be categorized based on their understanding of how compatible Islamic laws are with a specific time and space; as well as how they define the relationship between human reason and revelation. The three major interpretations of Islam within a spectrum are on the far right fundamentalists, in the middle reformists, and on the far left secularists; each having diverse views on the legitimacy and applicability of all Islamic law in modern times, and consequently having various perspectives on justice and gender equality. Accordingly, the author aims to investigate the different interpretations on Islam to find out which interpretations are compatible with the global norms of justice, and hence in accord to women’s rights and gender equality. In order to analyze the Islamic thought flows through a sociological perspective, a theoretical model is proposed based on theories of sociology of religion (Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann), Structuration theory (Anthony Giddens) and struggles related to universal norms of justice (Nancy Fraser, Axel Honneth, Seyla Benhabib). According to this theoretical model, there is a dialectical relationship between individual and structure. Religion, as a factor of structure, defines a framework of interaction for individual agents in personal and social life. Religion also offers a value and meaning system for human beings. On the other hand, human beings examine the patterns of interaction through 'reflexive monitoring,' and employing human reason and rational explanation. Therefore, human beings do not passively accept all patterns of interaction. In this model of dialectical relationship between individual and structure, justice means providing equal access to political, economic, and cultural resources in society and in the family. On this matter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women provide practical and universal criteria for the protection of human and women's rights, and ensure gender equality in society. Following the theoretical model, the research aims to reconstruct the main interpretations of Islam in three core issues of Islamic law, human reason, and women’s rights considering universal norms of justice.
Schlagwörter:Gender; gender; Islam; Islam; Menschenrechte; human rights; Diskriminierung; discrimination; religiöse Faktoren; religious factors; Gerechtigkeit; justice; Vernunft; reason; Gleichberechtigung; equality of rights; Gleichstellung; affirmative action; woman; Iran; Iran
SSOAR Kategorie:Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Religionssoziologie
Geschlechterunterschiede in islamischer Religiosität und Geschlechterrollenwerten: ein Vergleich der Zusammenhänge am Beispiel der türkischen und marokkanischen zweiten Generation in Belgien
Scheible, Jana Anne; Fleischmann, Fenella
Quelle: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH; Berlin (Discussion Papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Forschungsschwerpunkt Zivilgesellschaft, Konflikte und Demokratie, Abteilung Migration, Integration, Transnationalisierung, SP IV 2011-702), 2011.
Inhalt: In Anlehnung an die Debatte über den Einfluss von (islamischer) Religiosität auf Geschlechterrollenwerte, untersucht dieser Beitrag den Zusammenhang zwischen Religiosität und Geschlechterrollenwerten bei Männern und Frauen der türkischen und marokkanischen zweiten Generation in Belgien. Dazu wurde zunächst ein theoretisches Modell islamischer Religiosität entwickelt, welches aus den Elementen religiöse Identifikation, (teilweise geschlechtsspezifische) religiöse Praktiken und orthodoxer Glaube besteht. Anhand von Umfragedaten des belgischen TIES-Projekts (The Integration of the European Second generation) wurde dieses theoretische Modell auf die äquivalente Gültigkeit für Männer und Frauen sowie für zwei ethnische Gruppen, Belgier türkischer und marokkanischer Herkunft, getestet. Im nächsten Schritt wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen islamischer Religiosität und Geschlechterrollenwerten untersucht und im Hinblick auf Geschlechterunterschiede analysiert. Unter Berücksichtigung einer Anzahl von Kontrollvariablen (Alter, Bildung, Erwerbstätigkeit, Partnerschaft und religiöse Erziehung) ergaben die Analysen keine nennenswerten ethnischen Unterschiede. Interessanter jedoch, zeigte sich nur ein schwacher negativer Zusammenhang zwischen islamischer Religiosität und egalitären Geschlechterrollenwerten; dieser Zusammenhang war für Männer etwas stärker als für Frauen. Die Befunde widersprechen somit der These, dass stärker ausgeprägte islamische Religiosität unweigerlich mit traditionelleren und weniger egalitären Geschlechterrollenwerten einhergeht. Ebenso belegen die Ergebnisse, dass es für die Analyse islamischer Religiosität wichtig ist, Geschlechterunterschiede innerhalb muslimischer Minderheiten in Europa zu berücksichtigen.
Inhalt: Departing from the debate about the influence of religiosity in general, and Islamic religiosity in particular, on gender role values, this contribution examines the association between religiosity and gender role values among men and women of the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in Belgium. Firstly, a theoretical model of Islamic religiosity was derived, consisting of religious identification, (partly gender specific) religious practices and orthodox beliefs. Subsequently, equivalence of this theoretical model across genders and across two ethnic groups was tested drawing on survey data from the Belgian TIES-project (The Integration of the European Second generation). In a second step, the association between Islamic religiosity and gender role values was analysed and again it was examined whether there are gender and ethnic differences in this association. Taking a host of control variables into account (age, education, employment status, marital status and religious socialisation), the analysis revealed no significant ethnic differences. More importantly, only weak negative correlations between Islamic religiosity and more egalitarian gender values were found; moreover, this association was somewhat stronger for men than for women. These results contradict the hypothesis that higher levels of Islamic religiosity necessarily go together with more traditional and less egalitarian gender role values. Further, they highlight the importance of taking gender differences into account when analysing religiosity among Muslim minorities in Europe.
Schlagwörter:gender; Religion; religion; Islam; Islam; Geschlechtsrolle; gender role; gender-specific factors; Religiosität; religiousness; Marokkaner; Moroccan; Türke; Turk; zweite Generation; second generation; Migrationshintergrund; migration background; soziale Integration; social integration; Belgien; Belgium
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Rezension: Heidemarie Winkel, 2009: Geschlechtercodes und religiöse Praxis. Arabische
Christinnen zwischen patriarchaler Leitkultur und Selbst-Autorisierung
Walz, Heike
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 3 (2011) 1, S 155-158
Schlagwörter:Christentum; gender relations; self-realization; Patriarchat; gender; Selbstverwirklichung; patriarchy; Arab countries; gender role; sozialer Wandel; woman; Geschlechtsrolle; traditionelle Kultur; traditional culture; Geschlechterverhältnis; Religion; religion; Christianity; social change; arabische Länder
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Problematisierte Patrilinearität bei den ParsInnen in Mumbai
Titelübersetzung:Challenged patrilineality of Parsis in Mumbai
Walthert, Rafael
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2 (2010) 1, S 9-27
Inhalt: Die zivilrechtliche Autonomie von Religionsgemeinschaften in Indien erlaubt den direkten Einfluss religiöser Regelungen auf das Verhältnis der Geschlechter. Dies trifft auch auf die ParsInnen, Anhänger des Zoroastrismus und Teil der wirtschaftlichen Elite Mumbais, zu. Über religiöse Tradition legitimierte bestehende Ordnungen wie die patrilineare Konzeption von Gemeinschaft werden dabei von liberalen Gemeinschaftsmitgliedern kritisiert und Gleichberechtigung gefordert. Der Artikel rekonstruiert den Verlauf und die zentralen Positionen des Diskurses um Patrilinearität bei den ParsInnen, der seit einigen Jahren zwischen Liberalen und Orthodoxen geführt wird, und charakterisiert davon ausgehend die gemeinschaftlichen Konfigurationen von Geschlecht und Religion sowie ihre Bezüge zu Wandel und Tradition.
Inhalt: "The autonomy of religious communities in India concerning the realm of personal law allows the direct influence of religion on the configuration of gender relations. This is also the case for the community of Parsi Zoroastrians, an economic elite within Mumbai, whose patrilineal concept of community is legitimated with reference to religious tradition. Liberal Parsis criticize patrilineality and call for gender equity. This article offers a reconstruction of the discursive process and the main arguments therein, which allows a characterization of the communal configurations between gender and religion, and their relation to tradition and change." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:gender relations; Indien; conversion; reflexive modernization; Asia; power; Diskurs; discourse; individual; Asien; Südasien; religious community; man; reflexive Modernisierung; Tradition; Ehe; symbol; Diskussion; gender; marriage; Individuum; Gemeinschaft; Macht; discussion; Konflikt; conflict; woman; sozialer Wandel; Mann; Geschlechterverhältnis; Entwicklungsland; South Asia; Religion; religion; India; Symbol; social change; Konversion; tradition; Religionsgemeinschaft; developing country; community
SSOAR Kategorie:Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Ethnosoziologie, Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Sozialgeschichte, historische Sozialforschung
Frauen in der jüdischen Reformliturgie: das israelische Beispiel
Titelübersetzung:Women in Jewish reform liturgy: the Israeli case
Marx, Dalia
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2 (2010) 1, S 65-80
Inhalt: "Die Geschlechterthematik wird seit den 1970er Jahren im liberalen Judentum in Nordamerika diskutiert. Es handelt sich dabei wahrscheinlich um die meist umstrittenen Debatten bezogen auf aktuelle jüdische Liturgie und Gottesdienst. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert die besonderen Herausforderungen einer geschlechtergerechten Sprache in der jüdischen Reformliturgie innerhalb der letzten 20 Jahre. Er befasst sich mit einer inkludierenden Sprache, die sich auf die Gemeinde bezieht, maßgebliche weibliche Figuren hinzufügt, sich auf alte Rituale rückbesinnt und sie wieder annimmt, neue Rituale entwirft und geschlechtergerechte Metaphern für Gott findet. Dabei ist wohl die größte Herausforderung der ausgeprägte Bezug der hebräischen Sprache auf Geschlecht. Der Beitrag beschreibt die Parameter einer geschlechtergerechten Sprache in der jüdischen Liturgie, in der die Umgangssprache gleichzeitig auch heilige Sprache und Sprache des Gebets ist." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "Gender related issues have been discussed in liberal Judaism in North America since the 1970s, and are probably the most heated topics in contemporary Jewish liturgy and worship. This article discusses the unique challenges of gender language in Israeli Reform liturgy over the last two decades. The article addresses: inclusive language when referring to the congregation; adding representative female characters; reclaiming and adapting old rituals; creating new rituals; and gender-balanced metaphors for God. Arguably the greatest challenge is addressing the pronounced gender specification of the Hebrew language. The article delineates the parameters of gender language in Israeli liturgy, where the vernacular is also the Holy language and the language of the prayer." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Moderne; liberalization; Asia; Middle East; divine service; Judaism; book; Judentum; Metapher; representation; Israel; Liberalisierung; Asien; Sprache; feminism; faith; metaphor; Tradition; Israel; Glaube; Buch; gender; Repräsentation; Gott; Ritual; reform; language; ritual; woman; Reform; Nahost; Feminismus; Gottesdienst; god; Religion; religion; tradition; modernity
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Sozialgeschichte, historische Sozialforschung
Zwischen Schöpfung und Erlösung: drei christlichtheologische Variationen über Geschlecht
Titelübersetzung:Between creation and salvation: three Christian-theological variations on sexuality
Heß, Ruth
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2 (2010) 1, S 118-132
Inhalt: "Anhand dreier exemplarisch ausgewählter Modelle theologischer Anthropologie fragt der Beitrag nach der Produktion normativer Umrisse von Geschlecht in der christlichen Tradition. Der Ansatz Papst Benedikts XVI., der der feministischen Theologin Catharina Halkes und der des Kirchenvaters Gregor von Nyssa werden darauf hin analysiert, wie sie menschliche Geschlechtlichkeit in ihrer Qualität und Stabilität, insbesondere im Blick auf die verschiedenen Aspekte der 'Heilsgeschichte' ('Schöpfung', 'Sünde', 'Versöhnung', 'Erlösung'), konzeptualisieren. Abschließend plädiert der Beitrag für eine systematische Berücksichtigung theologischer Vorstellungswelten in der Geschlechterforschung, um den häufig angenommenen Konnex von Geschlecht und (christlicher) Religion theoretisch präziser zu erfassen, sowie für eine strategische Pluralisierung innertheologischer Diskurse." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "Based on three exemplarily selected models of theological anthropology, the article investigates the normative production of sex/gender in Christian traditions. The approaches of Pope Benedict XVI., feminist theologian Catharina Halkes, and Church Father Gregory of Nyssa are analyzed in how they conceptualize human sexuality in its quality and stability, particularly with regard to the different aspects of 'salvific history' ('creation', 'sin', 'reconciliation', 'salvation'). Finally, the article argues for a systematic consideration of theological imaginations by gender research, in order to understand more accurately the frequently assumed connection between sex/ gender and (Christian) religion, as well as for a strategic proliferation of inner theological discourses." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Christentum; gender relations; theology; Gender Mainstreaming; Papst; Menschenbild; historical analysis; Konstruktion; anthropology; pope; body; comparative research; gender mainstreaming; man; feminism; vergleichende Forschung; Körper; inequality; historische Analyse; gender; model; Gott; Modell; image of man; woman; Mann; Geschlechterverhältnis; Feminismus; god; Religion; religion; Christianity; Ungleichheit; Theologie; construction; Anthropologie
SSOAR Kategorie:allgemeine Geschichte, Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Philosophie, Theologie
Religion Revisited: Women's Rights and the Political
Instrumentalisation of Religion ; Tagung vom 5.–6. Juni 2009 in Berlin
Birnbaum, Maria
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 2 (2010) 1, S 161–166
Inhalt: "Wie sind Religion und Politik miteinander verflochten und was sind die Folgen dieser Verflechtung? Wann wird die Religion zur Gefahr für Gleichberechtigung und Demokratie?
Diesen Fragen ging die Konferenz "Religion Revisited" der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und des United Nations Research Institute for
Social Development (UNRISD) im Juni 2009 in Berlin nach. Der Fokus der Konferenz lag darauf,
die Stimmen der Religionen zu identifizieren und zu problematisieren. Wer redet im
Namen der Religionen, wer setzt und wacht über ihre Grenzen, wer formt ihr normatives Rückgrat? Haben Frauen Zugang zu diesem
Bereich der Gestaltung? Wenn nicht, wie ist Veränderung möglich? Obwohl Zwang von außen als Instrument ausgeschlossen bleibt, scheint das ausschließliche Vertrauen auf interne Reformen der religiösen Gemeinschaften die Kraft der Gewohnheit zu unterschätzen.
Stattdessen sollten kritische Argumente zugänglich gemacht werden, neue Lesarten von Texten etc., um das Absolute des Gegebenen
zu relativieren. Es bedarf einer Entnaturalisierung von tradiertem Verhalten, allerdings ohne dieses zu entwerten." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "How are religion and politics intertwined and
what results from this relationship? At what
point is religion a danger to equality and democracy?
These questions opened up the
“Religion Revisited” conference of the Böllfoundation
and the United Nations Research
Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) in
Berlin in June 2009. The conference focused
on identifying the voices that speak in the
name of religion, which create and guard its
borders and fundamental norms. Do women
have access to these arenas? If not, how is
change possible? Dismissing the instrument
of pure external force, the trust in solely internal
change underestimates the power of
custom and traditions. In order to qualify the
absolute character of the present, critical arguments,
new readings of texts etc. should
be made available. The need for a de-naturalization
of traditional customs was emphasized,
without, however, debasement." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Öffentlichkeit; Politik; gender; Säkularisierung; Gender; secularization; religiousness; equality of rights; the public; woman; Religiosität; Gleichberechtigung; politics; Religion; religion; Entnaturalisierung
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Religiosity and gender equality: comparing natives and Muslim migrants in Germany
Diehl, Claudia; Koenig, Matthias; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin
Quelle: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32 (2009) 2, S 278-301
Inhalt: In European public debates, Islam is often described as an impediment to gender equality. By using data from surveys conducted in Germany, we analyze the role of high levels of individual religiosity in explaining Turks' and Germans' approval of gender equality and the way Turkish and German couples share household tasks. Results suggest that for both groups, individuals with strong religious commitments are less likely than secular ones to hold egalitarian gender role attitudes. At the behavioral level, this correlation between religiosity and gender egalitarianism only holds true for Turkish respondents. Furthermore, strong religious commitments contribute to generational stability in attitudinal and behavioral gender-traditionalism among Turks. However, when explaining Germans' more egalitarian gender-related attitudes and behaviors, religiosity turns out to be just one factor among others – and not a particularly important one. Further research is needed to disentangle the different cultural and religious aspects of Muslim migrants’ attitudes and behaviors.
Schlagwörter:Islam; gender; integration; Religion; Islam; religion; Gender; Integration; Europe; immigration
SSOAR Kategorie:Religionssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Migration