Rethinking research funding in pandemic times
Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia
Quelle: Gend Work Organ (Gender, Work and Organization), (2020)
Inhalt: Experiences from individualized gender equality funding programs, as the ones used in Denmark, demonstrate that one‐off policy interventions, although a small step in the right direction, cannot stand alone in the fight against gender imbalances in academia. Closing the gender gap is a complex, multi‐level undertaking that needs constant rethinking of policies and the dedication of adequate financial resources. The need of rethinking policy is in particular urgent during Covid‐19, which has further amplified imbalances due to a drop in the productivity of women researchers. Funding bodies should therefore reconsider traditional approaches heavily rewarding publications in the distribution of research funds. They ought to respond to the gendered impact of the pandemic by engaging institutions in structural and cultural change, setting up requirements for institutions to have achieved a certain level of gender equality outcomes, and thus link institutional progress to research funding.
Schlagwörter:COVID-19; cultural change; Forschungsförderung; gender gap; gender inequality; Geschlechterungleichheit; Gleichstellungspolitik; Kulturwandel; productivity; Produktivität; research funding; structural change
CEWS Kategorie:Wissenschaftspolitik, Gleichstellungspolitik
The Gender Challenge in Research Funding : Assessing the European National Scenes - Report
European Commission
Quelle: Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009. 136 S
Inhalt: The Gender and Excellence expert group was set up to provide recommendations on the improvement of transparency in the procedures used in selection committees for the award of grants and fellowships and in access to research funding in general. (...) The expert group has not found a large and systematic gender imbalance in terms of success rates in research funding in the funding systems studied, although a few exceptions exist. However, there is a clear difference in application behaviour: women are less likely to apply for funding than men, and this needs further study.
An overview of the national situations in terms of esearch landscape and gender settings is annexed to the report. The full national reports have been posted on the Science in Society web portal so that the work put into this analysis is made available to all nterested parties for both policy-making and further study. This report is the first collection and comparison of its kind, and as such, it opens up new grounds for further research and in-depth analysis while calling for better and more systematic data collection."
Schlagwörter:Europa; Forschungsförderung; Gender; Geschlecht; Peer Review
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Fördermaßnahmen, Gleichstellungspolitik, Wissenschaftspolitik
Gender Equality : A strengthened Commitment in Horizon Europe
European Commission
Quelle: European Union; Brussels, 2021.
Schlagwörter:Forschungsförderung; gender equality; gender equality plan; Gleichstellungsplan; Horizon Europe; research funding
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Promoting gender equalityin the evaluation process: Guideline for jury members,reviewersandresearchfunding organizations’ employees
Dvořáčková, Jana
Quelle: GEECCO; , 2020.
Inhalt: This document offers guidelines for RFO employees and research proposal evaluators on promoting gender equality in the evaluation process. It includes practical recommendations to strengthen gender balance amongst evaluators and guidance for increasing gender sensitivity and diversity awareness in the evaluation process.
Schlagwörter:Forschungsförderung; gender bias; Geschlechterungleichheit; geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung; Gremien; Peer Review; Repräsentation; Teilhabe
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Implicit bias in academia : A challenge to the meritocratic principle and to women's careers - and what to do about it
League of European Research Universities (LERU)
Quelle: Leuven (Advice Paper, 23), 2018.
Inhalt: This paper examines the mechanisms behind the loss of female talent in academia. It is well known and amply documented that in Europe and elsewhere a significantly larger number of women than men do not reach the higher echelons and leadership positions in academia when compared to the number of entrants into the profession (usually doctoral graduates). Moreover, this situation is generally not improving at a satisfactory rate, although good efforts are undertaken. In a 2012 paper LERU argued that the “leaky pipeline”, as the phenomenon is sometimes called, undermines the quality of research and represents an unacceptable loss for academia, the economy and society. The paper showed what LERU and other universities are and should be doing to address gender imbalances.
Looking at the question of what hampers women’s progression in academic careers, the current paper focuses on the phenomenon of bias. A large body of research points to implicit bias as a significant impediment to women’s advancement in an academic career. Reviewing available evidence, the paper shows how implicit bias plays a role in processes where important career impacting decisions are made, i.e. in academic recruitment, retention and advancement, as well as in the allocation of research funding. The paper sets out possible actions to counter implicit bias. It is targeted at all those responsible for good governance at universities, at research funding organisations at national and European levels, at leaders, policy makers and all other members of the scientific community and society at large.
Schlagwörter:befristeter Arbeitsvertrag; Beschäftigungsbedingungen; Forschungsförderung; Gender Bias; Geschlecht; Geschlechterstereotyp; Gleichstellungspolitik; Hochschule; Personalrekrutierung; recruitment; Selektion; Teilzeitarbeit; Universität; Wissenschaft
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik, Hochschulen, Geschlechterverhältnis
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
A framework for sex, gender, and diversity analysis in research
Hunt, Lilian; Nielsen, Mathias Wullum; Schiebinger, Londa
Quelle: Science (New York, N.Y.), 377 (2022) 6614, S 1492–1495
Inhalt: Funding agencies have ample room to improve their policies.
National research agencies are responsible for promoting excellent research that benefits all of society (1). Integrating sex, gender, and diversity analysis (SG&DA) into the design of research, where relevant, can improve research methodology, enhance excellence in science, and make research more responsive to social needs (2). National funding agencies—encouraged by scientists and social movements—have thus begun to implement policies to integrate sex, gender, and, more recently, diversity analysis into the grant proposal process, where these factors have been shown to play a role. We develop a five-part analytical framework for implementing and evaluating SG&DA policies, and use it to evaluate the quality of SG&DA policies for 22 major national funding agencies across six continents. By collecting emerging global practices for policy implementation, we seek to improve understanding of these policies and practices in efforts to enhance international collaborations and research excellence.
Schlagwörter:Forschungsförderung; gender analysis; research funding organisation
CEWS Kategorie:Fördermaßnahmen, Gleichstellungspolitik
Gender equality in research funding : A study of 11 European Countries, Israel, and Canada - Deliverable 6.3
Hermansson, Kenth; Jacobsson, Carl; Österberg, Richard
Quelle: GENDER-NET Plus; , 2021.
Inhalt: This report examines the gender equality situation in European research funding, with the Canadian situation as a perspective. In-depth studies of the 13 GENDER-NET Plus countries are complemented by the analysis of aggregated data from the Gender Gap Index, and, for the European countries, data from Eurostat and She Figures. The European Commission report The Gender Challenge in Research Funding from 2009 serves as a base line for the analysis.
Schlagwörter:Austria; Belgien; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Diversity; Estonia; France; gatekeeping; gender equality; gender equality measures; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Monitoring; Norway; research funding; Spain; Sweden
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Fördermaßnahmen, Wissenschaftspolitik, Geschlechterverhältnis, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Overcoming the Challenge of Structural Change in Research Organisations : A Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality
Wroblewski, Angela; Palmén, Rachel
Quelle: Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, First edition. 1 Online-Ressource
Inhalt: The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The under-representation of women in research and innovation has been documented as a global phenomenon and is particularly heightened on decision-making boards and in leadership positions. Presenting a reflexive approach to gender equality for research organisations developed within the TARGET project, funded by the European Commission, the authors describe the experiences of the project's implementation in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organisations, research funding organisations and a network of universities. The TARGET approach goes beyond the formal adoption of a gender equality policy by emphasising an iterative and reflexive process towards equality at the institutional level as well as the establishment of a community of practice for gender equality within the institution. The approach is based on the assumption that actual change is the result of increased institutional willingness and capacity to identify, reflect on and address gender bias in a sustained way. Starting point and anchor of the process is a tailored gender equality plan for each institution. A specific characteristic of TARGET is the fact that implementing institutions are located in countries which have been characterised as relatively 'inactive' in developing gender equality policies in science and research. Therefore, internal and external communication about the relevance of gender equality in science and research forms an important element of a reflexive gender equality policy in contexts which are characterised by resistances, anti-genderism and traditional gender roles. This book will therefore be essential reading for higher education leaders and managers, and staff at all levels committed to achieving gender equity in higher education. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Schlagwörter:europäischer Forschungsraum; european research area; Forschungseinrichtung; gender equality; gender equality measures; gender equality plan; gender equality policy; gender monitoring; Geschlechtergleichstellung; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Gleichstellungsplan; Gleichstellungspolitik; higher education; Hochschule; Organisational Change; Organisationsentwicklung; Organisationswandel; research funding organisation; research organization; research performing organisation; Southeast Europe; structural change; Strukturreform; Südosteuropa; Transformation; transformative change
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Fördermaßnahmen, Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Geschlechterverhältnis, Gleichstellungspolitik
Gender actions and gender data on applicants and grantees
European Research Council (ERC)
Quelle: Brussels, 2021.
Schlagwörter:ERC; Forschungsförderung; Geschlechtervergleich; Gleichstellungspolitik; Statistik
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Statistik und statistische Daten, Geschlechterverhältnis, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Community voices: NIH working toward inclusive excellence by promoting and supporting women in science
Hagen, Kelly G. ten; Wolinetz, Carrie; Clayton, Janine A.; Bernard, Marie A.
Quelle: Nat Commun (Nature Communications), 13 (2022) 1, 1682 S
Inhalt: The U. S. National Institutes of Health is committed to addressing gender discrimination and fostering inclusive excellence, which is critical for the advancement of creativity and innovation in science. Strategies and processes aimed at achieving these goals are discussed.
Schlagwörter:excellence; gender discrimination; gender equality policy; inclusion; medicine; research funding; USA
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Does Gender Bias Still Affect Women in Science?
Roper, Rachel L.
Quelle: Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBR, 83 (2019) 3
Inhalt: SUMMARYThe percentage of women employed in professional scientific positions has been low but is increasing over time. The U.S. National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation have both implemented programs to improve women's participation in science, and many universities and companies have diversity and equity programs. While most faculty and scientists believe that they are fair and unbiased, numerous well-designed studies published in leading peer-reviewed journals show that gender bias in sciences and medicine is widespread and persistent today in both faculty and students. Recent studies show that gender bias affects student grading, professional hiring, mentoring, tenure, promotion, respect, grant proposal success, and pay. In addition, sexual harassment remains a significant barrier. Fortunately, several studies provide evidence that programs that raise conscious awareness of gender bias can improve equity in science, and there are a number of recommendations and strategies for improving the participation of women.
Schlagwörter:Forschungsförderung; Frauen in der Wissenschaft; gender bias; Geschlechterverhältnis; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Gleichstellungspolitik; Medizin; Mentoring; Personalrekrutierung; USA; Wissenschaftskarriere
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik, Geschlechterverhältnis
GenderChange in Academia : re-mapping the fields of work, knowledge, and politics from a gender perspective
Titelübersetzung:Gender Change in der akademischen Welt : Umstrukturierung der Arbeitsfelder, des Wissen und der Politik aus Geschlechterperspektive
Riegraf, Birgit; Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Kirsch-Auwärter, Edit; Müller, Ursula
Quelle: Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010. 434 S.
Inhalt: "Implementing the goals of the Bologna declaration means a completely new organization of study programmes, working conditions and the production of knowledge aiming at the harmonization of the European Scientific Area. The new entrepreneurial university is making efforts to increase economic efficiency, transparency and to offer new forms of services in academic teaching and research. More or less vehement debates deal with the question if and to which extent this process will change the original character of academic education and science. Gender research however, is especially interested in the influence of the restructuring process on gender relations. In which way do rationalization and reorganization of the universities and of the universities of applied sciences de/engender academic teaching and research? Where is gender research positioned now? Researchers from European and non European countries will respond to these problems/questions which seem to be unsolved so far." (author's abstract). Table of Contents: Brigitte Aulenbacher, Edit Kirsch-Auwärter, Ursula Müller and Birgit Riegraf: Editors' Foreword (9-12); Lutz Stratmann: 'Gender Change in Academia': Gender in Universities in Lower Saxony (13-14); Dana M. Britton: Engendering the University through Policy and Practice: Barriers to Promotion to Full Professor for Women in the Science, Engineering, and Math Disciplines (15-26); Louise Morley: Hyper-Modernisation and Archaism: Women in Higher Education Internationally (27-42); Liisa Husu, Suzanne de Cheveigné: Gender and Gatekeeping of Excellence in Research Funding: European Perspectives (43-59); Brigitte Aulenbacher, Birgit Riegraf: The New Entrepreneurship in Science and Changing Gender Arrangements - Approaches and Perspectives (61-73); Jim Barry: Gender, Managerialism and Academe: Challenges and Prospects (75-86); Hildegard Matthies, Sandra Matthäus: Science Between Organization and Profession: Opportunities for Neutralizing Gender? - Reflections on Research Assessment (87-100); Ilse Costas: Careers and the Reorganisation of University and Research Systems in France and Germany (101-122); Eva Flicker, Johanna Hofbauer & Birgit Sauer: Reforming University, Re-Gendering Careers. Informal Barriers to Women Academics in Austria (123-136); Elisabeth Berg: Grasping the Poisoned Chalice: Higher Education and Managerial Identities in Sweden (137-147); Kristina Binner: Is Science as Way of Life in Transition? Some Notes about the Every Day Style of Life of Academics in Germany (149-159); Brigitte Liebig: Academic Life and Gender Relations. The Case of Fathers in Professorship (161-171); Karin Zimmermann: Gender Knowledge under Construction. The Case of the European Union's Science and Research Policy (173-187); Stephanie Zuber: Women in Cutting-Edge Research - Gender Equality and the German Excellence Initiative (189-201); Ilse Lenz: Contemporary Challenges for Gender Research in the Context of Globalisation (203-216); Jutta Weber: 'Security' Architectures, New Ontologies and the Category of Gender. Contemporary Challenges in Feminist Technoscience Studies (217-230); Ineke Klinge: Innovative Changes in Biomedicine: Integration of Sex and Gender Aspects in Research and Clinical Practice (231-242); Gabriele Griffin: Gender Studies as a Profession (243-251); Karin Gottschall: Promoting Women in Post-Graduate Studies: Chances and Challenges of PhD Reforms in Germany (253-268); Gudrun Ehlert: From Feminist Social Work Projects to Gender and Diversity Modules? Gender in Social Work BA and MA Curricula at Universities of Applied Sciences (269-278); Sabine Hark, Angelika Wetterer: Gender Studies in Entrepreneurial Universities: The Case of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (279-288); Sue V. Rosser: Building Two-Way Streets to Implement Policies that Work for Gender and Science (289-303); Ursula Müller: Institutional Thematization of Gender and Individual De-Thematization of Discrimination (305-317); Michael Meuser: Gender Discourses and Organisational Change. The Economisation of Gender Politics in Germany (319-330); Virginia Valian: What Works and What Doesn't: How to Increase the Representation of Women in Academia and Business (331-342); Tove Soiland: Gender Politics: Behavior Therapy for the Two Sexes or a Structural Critique of Economic Relations? (343-352); Elisabeth Maurer: Reflecting on Practical Experience and a Case Study within the Field of Gender Equality Politics (353-363); Mary Ann Danowitz, Regine Bendl: Gender Mainstreaming, Diversity Management and Inclusive Excellence: From Similarities and Differences to New Possibilities (365-376); Katrin Hansen: Diversity Politics and Diversity Management in Organizations (377-389); Iris Koall: Managing Gender & Diversity - Assumptions, Connections and Challenges for Theory Development (391-407); Heike Kahlert: Promoting E/Quality and Excellence in Universities and Research: The 'Gender-Alliance' for the German Science System (409-421); Ulle Jäger: Do Little Strokes Fell Big Oaks? Mentoring within the Federal Programme for Gender Equality at Swiss Universities and Its Impact on Academic Structures (423-436); Mary Osborn: Gender Equity in Science (437-448).
Schlagwörter:Gender Mainstreaming; Geschlechterpolitik; Gleichstellung; Bologna-Prozess; Reorganisation; Organisationsstruktur; Wissen; Hochschulpolitik; Unternehmertum; Transparenz; Leistung; Effizienz; Wissenschaftsbetrieb; Bildungsreform; Bachelor; Master; Europa; Akademikerin
CEWS Kategorie:Geschlechterverhältnis, Gleichstellungspolitik, Hochschulen, Wissenschaftspolitik
Soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Dahmen, Jennifer; Thaler, Anita
Quelle: Opladen; Berlin; Toronto: Budrich, 2017.
Inhalt: Unter welchen Bedingungen können die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und allgemein eine soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung erreicht werden? Welche konkret wirksamen Maßnahmen gibt es, auch z.T. gegenläufige Praktiken auszuhebeln? Das Buch wendet sich an Praktiker*innen und Forscher*innen gleichermaßen, die sich sowohl über bekannte Hindernisse und deren mögliche Umgehung als auch über neueste Erkenntnisse zu europäischen Gleichstellungsstrategien informieren wollen.
In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde viel geschrieben und manches getan, um in Wissenschaft und Forschung Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zu befördern. Die Herausgeberinnen dieses Buches forschen seit über zehn Jahren in verschiedensten europäischen und nationalen Studien zu Gender (und Diversity) in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Am Ende vieler Studien bleiben Empfehlungen an Politik und Organisationen übrig – dann liegt es oft am engagierten Einzelnen in Wissenschafts- und Forschungsbetrieben diese im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten umzusetzen. Viele allgemeine Versprechen nach Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung werden jedoch nicht eingelöst, manche gesetzliche Regelungen bleiben aufgrund informeller Praktiken zahnlos. Vor diesem Hintergrund reflektieren und analysieren die AutorInnen u.a. die Wissenschafts- und Forschungspolitik in Deutschland und Österreich unter den Aspekten der sozialen und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, die Gleichstellungspraxis deutschsprachiger Universitäten, sowie außeruniversitärer und industrieller Forschung, Machtmechanismen in der Forschungsförderung, bei Wissenschaftspreisen, Patenten und Publikationen.
Schlagwörter:Berufungsverfahren; Deutschland; Evaluation; Fachkultur; Fraunhofer Gesellschaft; Geschlechtergerechtigkeit; Österreich; Praxisbeispiele; Wissenschaft; Wissenschaftskarriere
CEWS Kategorie:Hochschulen, Gleichstellungspolitik, Berufungsverfahren
Gender Equality Measures in Academia : Literature review commissioned by the Gender Equality Commission of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Zimmermann, Andrea; Oliveira, Deborah; Illmer, Lea Dora
Quelle: Universität Basel; Basel, 2023.
Inhalt: The literature review presents an overview of relevant policies and best practices promoting gender equality in academia and discusses the effects of the respective measures. The project evaluates and critically explores the transformative potential of different approaches and measures promoting gender equality in academia on the level of (inter-)national research funding institutions on the one hand and research institutions on the other. Questions guiding the analysis include:
Which policies and measures are implemented by research funding institutions, universities and research clusters?
How is their potential to promote gender equality in academia assessed by the current state of research?
Which measures and policies have proven effective for all disciplines and levels and where are special measures required to respond to specific disciplinary orinstitutional settings?
This literature review is mandated by the Gender Equality Commission (GECo) of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. It provides an overview of possible and necessary measures to support women in science. The results may serve as a basis for future equality measures in the development of funding policies and instruments.
Schlagwörter:gender equality measures; gender equality plan; gender knowledge; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; literature review; reporting; Training; working environment
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
Palmén, Rachel; Müller, Jörg; Sand, Alwin
Quelle: London: Routledge, 2022.
Inhalt: Bringing together the latest research among various communities of practice (disciplinary and place based as well as thematically organised), this volume reflects upon the knowledge, experience and practice gained through taking a unique community of practice approach to fostering gender equality in the sectors of research and innovation, and higher education in Europe and beyond. Based on research funded by the European Union, it considers how inter-organisational collaboration can foster change for gender equality through sharing of experiences of Gender Equality Plan implementation and examining the role of measures such as change-monitoring systems. As such, it will appeal to social scientists with interests in organisational change, the sociology of work and gender equality.
Schlagwörter:community of practice; EU; gender equality; gender equality plan; Gleichstellung; knowledge; Organisational Change
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Chancengleichheits-Monitoring 2014 : Antragsstellung und -erfolg von Wissenschaftlerinnen bei der DFG
Reinhardt, Anke
Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Bonn, 2015. 35 S
Schlagwörter:Chancengleichheit; DFG; Forschungsförderung; Frauenanteil; Geschlechterverhältnis; Gremien; Hochschulen; Monitoring; Statistik
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Rejecting Double Blind
Jaschik, Scott
Quelle: (2011)
Schlagwörter:Forschungsförderung; Gender Bias; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Peer Review; Publikation; USA
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik, Wissenschaftspolitik
A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
Rachel Palmén; Jörg Müller
Quelle: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (Routledge research in gender and society), 2023.
Inhalt: Bringing together the latest research among various communities of practice (disciplinary and place based as well as thematically organised), this volume reflects upon the knowledge, experience and practice gained through taking a unique community of practice approach to fostering gender equality in the sectors of research and innovation, and higher education in Europe and beyond. Based on research funded by the European Union, it considers how inter-organisational collaboration can foster change for gender equality through sharing of experiences of Gender Equality Plan implementation and examining the role of measures such as change-monitoring systems. As such, it will appeal to social scientists with interests in organisational change, the sociology of work and gender equality.
Schlagwörter:Communities of Practice; gender equality plan; Monitoring; organizational change; research and innovation
CEWS Kategorie:Wissenschaftspolitik, Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Gleichstellungspolitik
Multi-Level State Interventions and Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions: The Irish Case
O’Connor, Pat; Irvine, Gemma
Quelle: Administrative Sciences, 10 (2020) 4, 98 S
Inhalt: Much of the work on gender equality in higher educational institutions (HEIs) has concentrated on the organizational level. The original contribution of this article lies in its focus on state policy developments and interventions. We focus on Ireland as a specific national context, highlighting multi-level state interventions and looking at their impact on HEIs. Using secondary data analysis (including documentary analysis) and focusing particularly on the period since 2014, state initiatives to tackle the problem of gender inequality from various angles are outlined. They include the introduction of Athena SWAN; the Expert Group Review; the Gender Equality Taskforce; the Senior Academic Leadership Initiative; research funding agency initiatives and those around sexual harassment. In evaluating their impact, we look at the gender pay gap, the gender profile of the professoriate and senior management as well as other indicators of cultural change in HEIs. The article concludes that the best possibility of leveraging change arises when it is driven at the state (macro); the HEI (meso) and the situational (micro) level simultaneously, by gender competent leaders willing to tackle the historically male dominated, masculinist criteria, procedures, processes and micropolitical practices that are "normalized" in HEIs.
Schlagwörter:Athena SWAN; gender equality policy; gender pay gap; Gleichstellungspolitik; Hochschule; Irland; Mikropolitik; multi-level governance; Organisationswandel; Professorinnenanteil
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Wissenschaftspolitik, Gleichstellungspolitik
Benchmarking analysis of monitoring/evaluation of GEPs - Deliverable 6.1
Knapińska, Anna; Chrobak-Tatar, Magdalena
Quelle: GENDERACTIONplus; , 2023.
Inhalt: The fourth benchmarking analysis conducted by GENDERACTOINplus depicts the current landscape for GEP requirements in R&I at national/regional level. It provides an overview of the overall policy framework on GEP requirements concerning ERA stakeholders and presents relevant policy developments, mainly targeting national authorities.
The results of the survey conducted among 15 national authorities indicate that in the majority of the countries/regions assessed, GEPs are obligatory, primarily for public sector entities. The presence or absence of national requirements for GEPs underscores the ongoing disparity between Member States (MS) that joined the EU before and after 2004. For Member States that joined after 2004, Research Funding Organizations can play a significant role in establishing favorable conditions for the development of GEPs.
Furthermore, the Horizon Europe GEP eligibility criterion has been demonstrated to have made noticeable impact on the national gender equality activities in R&I. It is substantiated by the increase in approved GEPs in R&I institutions, the organisation of workshops and trainings on GEPs, dedication of resources for gender equality work and an increase in requests addressed to the National Contact Points (e.g., queries in relation to GEP elaboration or EC requirements).
Schlagwörter:Benchmarking; gender equality plan; Horizon Europe; international comparison; law; policy analysis
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Chancengleichheits-Monitoring 2016 : Antragsstellung und -erfolg von Wissenschaftlerinnen bei der DFG. Berichtsjahr 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Quelle: Bonn, 2016. 37 S
Schlagwörter:Chancengleichheit; DFG; Forschungsförderung; Frauenanteil; Geschlechterverhältnis; Gremien; Monitoring; Statistik
CEWS Kategorie:Statistik und statistische Daten, Hochschulen, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Synthesis report on selected structural change initiatives and indicators for monitoring of state-of-play and progress
Research Council of Norway
Quelle: Gender-Net (ERA-net); 2016. 20 S
Schlagwörter:Entscheidungsprozess; EU; Forschungseinrichtung; Forschungsförderung; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Gleichstellungsplan; Gleichstellungspolitik; Internationaler Vergleich; Personalrekrutierung; Rekrutierung; Wissenschaftlerin
CEWS Kategorie:Berufsbiographie und Karriere, Europa und Internationales, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Von „Diversity Management“ zu „Diversity und Inclusion“?
Zimmermann, Andrea; Weibel, Fleur
Quelle: ZDfm (Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management), 5 (2020) 2-2020, S 153–166
Inhalt: Nach über zwei Jahrzehnten Bemühungen um Gleichstellung an Schweizer Hochschulen ist die Wissenschaft weiterhin durch eine starke vertikale und horizontale Segregation geprägt. Dies führt zu einer markanten Unterrepräsentation von Frauen, insbesondere in der Schweizer „Spitzenforschung“. Am Beispiel eines Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkts (NFS) zeigen wir, inwiefern eine ambivalente Verbindung von Gleichstellungs- und Exzellenzdiskursen die Hegemonie der Männlichkeit reproduziert. Um diese vergeschlechtlichten Normen thematisier- und veränderbar zu machen, erscheint eine Ergänzung bisheriger Gleichstellungsbemühungen um das Konzept der Inclusion vielversprechend.
Schlagwörter:Diskurs; Exzellenz; Forschungsförderung; Geschlechterungleichheit; Gleichstellung; horizontale Segregation; vertikale Segregation
CEWS Kategorie:Wissenschaftspolitik, Gleichstellungspolitik
Die Forschungsorientierten Gleichstellungs- und Diversitätsstandards : Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen 2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Quelle: Bonn, 2022.
Inhalt: Der aktuelle Berichtszyklus (2020-2022) ist mit der Verabschiedung der „Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen 2022 zu den Forschungsorientierten Gleichstellungs- und Diversitätsstandards der DFG“ am 30. Juni 2022 abgeschlossen. Schwerpunktthemen in dem Berichtszyklus waren: Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in der Postdoc-Phase und Umgang der Hochschulen mit dem Thema Vielfältigkeit/Diversität.
Schlagwörter:Befristung; Definition; DFG; Diversität; Dropout; Forschungsförderung; Forschungsorientierte Gleichstellungsstandards; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Gleichstellungspolitik; Karriereweg; Monitoring; Personalrekrutierung; Personalstruktur; Post-doc; researcher; research-oriented standards on gender equality; Vielfalt; wissenschaftliche Karriere
CEWS Kategorie:Diversity, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Frauen in Führungspositionen: zweite Ergänzung zum BLK-Bericht "Förderung von Frauen im Bereich der Wissenschaft"
Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung
Quelle: Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung; Bonn (Materialien zur Bildungsplanung und zur Forschungsförderung, H. 68), 1998. 31 S.
Schlagwörter:Bildungspolitik; Förderung; Frauenförderung; Führungsposition; Berufungsverfahren; Forschungseinrichtung; Statistik
CEWS Kategorie:Hochschulen, Geschlechterverhältnis, Gleichstellungspolitik, Statistik und statistische Daten, Berufungsverfahren
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Complex Projects - Diverse Solutions? Theoretical Reflection, Practical Experiences, and Recommendations on Enhancing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research Projects : Lessons learned by the HBP Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee (DEOC) and further researchers, sceptics and enthusiasts
Grasenick, Karin; Romero, Pilar; Salles, Arleen
Quelle: , 2023. 12 S
Inhalt: tResearch, development, and innovation (RDI) are often carried out in public funded, multidisciplinary projects, which can be defined as complex. RDI projects depend on and involve various stakeholders that shape the framework conditions or are part of the project consortia. Unsurprisingly, the perceptions of stakeholders regarding, for example, the relevance of team diversity, and to which extent and how leaders should be made accountable for collaborative practices will differ. In this paper we provide a novel framework applying complexity research to identify challenges in RDI projects that impact the implementation of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). We thereby refer to equality in line with the European strategy towards gender equality andto inclusion as theattempt of actively involving and welcoming individuals and groups who may have been traditionally excluded or marginalised. We conclude with suggestions for three different types of involved organisations: research funding organisations (RFOs), research performing organisations (RPOs) and project consortia (PC). Framework and recommendations are reflected in the context of practical experiences made within the Human Brain Project (HBP) and are opened for further contributionsby colleagues who are interested to share their experiences
Schlagwörter:EDI research; ethics; EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm; inequalities; informal power; project fund; research
CEWS Kategorie:Europa und Internationales, Gleichstellungspolitik
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Effect of Athena SWAN funding incentives on women's research leadership
Ovseiko, Pavel V.; Taylor, Mark; Gilligan, Ruth E.; Birks, Jacqueline; Elhussein, Leena; Rogers, Mike; Tesanovic, Sonja; Hernandez, Jazmin; Wells, Glenn; Greenhalgh, Trisha; Buchan, Alastair M.
Quelle: BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 371 (2020)
Inhalt: Key messages: Gender equity in research can contribute to social progress, scientific workforce sustainability, and the quality of science. Research funders can be critical actors in advancing gender equity through policy interventions and funding incentives. Linking NIHR funding to Athena SWAN gender equality action plans has been associated with a rise in the number of women in mid-level leadership positions and the proportion of funding going to women. More research funders should trial policy interventions and funding incentives for women in science and evaluate their effect.
Schlagwörter:Athena SWAN; Forschungsförderung; Führungsposition; gender equality; gender equality plan; Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen; Gleichstellungsplan; UK; Wirkungsanalyse
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik
Frauen in der Wissenschaft : Entwicklung und Perspektiven auf dem Weg zur Chancengleichheit ; Bericht der BLK vom 30. Oktober 2000
Titelübersetzung:Women in science : development and prospects on the road to equal opportunity; report by the Bund-Länder Commission for Education Planning and Research Promotion (BLK) dated October 30, 2000
Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung
Quelle: Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung; Bonn (Materialien zur Bildungsplanung und zur Forschungsförderung, H. 87), 2000. 24, 51 S.
Inhalt: Der Bericht fasst die Entwicklung seit dem ersten Bericht "Förderung von Frauen im Bereich der Wissenschaft" im Jahre 1989 zusammen und bewertet die Umsetzung der in diesen sowie in den vier Folgeberichten gegebenen Empfehlungen für Hochschulen und außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen; er konzentriert sich auf die wesentlichen strukturellen Veränderungen. Die Umsetzung der bisher empfohlenen und eingeleiteten Maßnahmen ist von der BLK-Geschäftsstelle 1999 im Rahmen zweier Umfragen erhoben worden; eine Übersicht über die Ergebnisse dieser Umfragen bei den Ländern, bei den außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen und bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft sowie jeweils eine bewertende Zusammenfassung dazu sind im Anhang 2 enthalten. Die Tabellen im Anhang 1 informieren über die Frauenanteile: 1. bei Bewerbungen, Platzierungen, Ernennungen und Berufungen auf Hochschulprofessuren; 2. bei Positionen der Hochschulleitung; 3. bei Promotionen und Habilitationen; 4. beim Personal und bei Führungspositionen der außerhochschulischen Forschungseinrichtungen; 5. in Aufsichtsgremien der Hermann-Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren. Der Zeitraum umfasst die Jahre 1992, 1995 und 1998. (IAB2)
Schlagwörter:Forschungseinrichtung; Lehrer; Hochschullehrer; Führungskraft; Promotion; Habilitation; Geschlechterverteilung; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; Förderung; Wissenschaftler; Beruf
CEWS Kategorie:Gleichstellungspolitik, Außerhochschulische Forschung, Hochschulen