Who is really 'left behind'? Half a century of gender differences in the school-to-work transitions of low-educated youth
Struffolino, Emanuela; Borgna, Camilla
Quelle: Journal of Youth Studies, 23 (2020) , S 1-24
Inhalt: At a time of growing expectations about educational attainment, young people who did not complete upper-secondary schooling can easily be ‘left behind’ to face risks of social exclusion. Being able to make a rapid and successful transition into a first significant job is crucial for long-term labor-market attachment. We approach the question of continuity or change in school-to-work transitions by comparing the experiences of four birth cohorts of early school leavers in Italy, where they still constitute a sizeable group as of today. Italy makes for an interesting case study due to the length of school-to-work transitions and the extent of gender differences in this phase. In an era of educational expansion and increased female activation, studying changes in low-educated women’s labor-market access brings into focus the question of who is really left behind. Using data from the 2009 ‘Multi-purpose Survey on Household and Social Subjects,’ we use discrete time logistic regression models to estimate the probability of transitioning to the first significant job for early school leavers born between 1954 and 1993. We find that gender differences are strikingly persistent across birth cohorts, even after controlling for sociodemographic variables as well as for time-varying fertility and partnership histories.
Schlagwörter:Italien; Italy; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Schulabbruch; dropping out of school; Bildungsniveau; level of education; gender-specific factors; Vulnerabilität; vulnerability; Exklusion; exclusion; early school leaving; school-to-work transition; multi-purpose; Survey on Household and Social Subjects
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
The relationship between educational pathways and occupational outcomes at the intersection of gender and social origin
Zimmermann, Barbara; Seiler, Simon
Quelle: Social Inclusion, 7 (2019) 3, S 79-94
Inhalt: In this article, we are interested in the differences in the educational pathways and subsequent labour market outcomes by social origin and gender. We apply sequence analyses to model the educational trajectories and conduct regression analyses to determine how the individual's own social status and the salary at labour market entry differs. First, our results show that educational pathways vary by parental status and gender when controlling for reading and mathematics/science skills. Men and pupils with a lower socioeconomic background are overrepresented in vocational education, whereas women and pupils with a more privileged socioeconomic background more often pursue general and academic tracks. Second, these different trajectories lead to unequal occupational status and income. Besides these indirect effects, significant direct effects of parental status and gender on the individual's own occupational status and salary can be found. Together, these findings provide a broad overview of the emergence of inequalities by gender and social origin over the early life course, ranging from differences in skills learned in school to labour market outcomes.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; Arbeitsmarkt; social background; gender; Bildungsverlauf; education; soziale Herkunft; wage difference; Lohnunterschied; course of education; social inequality; soziale Ungleichheit; labor market
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
"Brave Mädchen"? Herstellung von Passfähigkeit weiblicher Peerkulturen durch Schülerinnen und Lehrkräfte
Titelübersetzung:"Good girls"? The construction of compatibility of female peer cultures with school requirements by girls and teachers
Aktan, Oktay; Hippmann, Cornelia; Meuser, Michael
Quelle: GENDER - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 7 (2015) 1, S 11-28
Inhalt: "Weibliche Peerkulturen gelten als passfähiger zu den Erwartungen und Anforderungen des Systems Schule als männliche. Der Artikel diskutiert auf der Basis eines Fallvergleichs von zwei Schulen, die sich hinsichtlich der sozialen Herkunft der SchülerInnen und des Rufs der Schule deutlich unterscheiden, ob und inwieweit es Schülerinnen durch ein gelungenes impressionmanagement gelingt, sich auf der Vorderbühne passfähig zu den gängigen Erwartungen der Schule zu inszenieren, obwohl ihr Verhalten den festgelegten Normen nicht immer entspricht, und wie die LehrerInnen als 'Ko-KonstrukteurInnen' an der Herstellung weiblicher Passfähigkeit beteiligt sind." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "Female peer cultures are regarded as more compatible with schools' expectations and requirements than male peer cultures. Based on a comparison of two schools that differ considerably in regard to pupils' social background and the schools' reputation, the article discusses whether and to what degree female pupils succeed in exercising impression management that enables them to present themselves on the front stage so as to fulfill their school's expectations although their behavior does not always fit with school norms. The article also shows how teachers are involved as 'co-constructors' in accomplishing the compatibility of female peer cultures." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:intersectionality; Ethnizität; social background; ethnicity; female pupil; Stereotyp; soziale Herkunft; Intersektionalität; Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung; soziales Verhalten; Weiblichkeit; girl; Mädchen; femininity; stereotype; teacher-pupil relationship; Peer Group; Schülerin; peer group; gender-specific factors; social behavior; impression management; Peerkultur
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Einflüsse von akademischer Sozialisation und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulischen Leistungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen
Titelübersetzung:Effects of academic socialization and emotional closeness to parents on children's and adolescents' school achievement
Walper, Sabine; Thönnissen, Carolin; Alt, Philipp
Quelle: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 27 (2015) 2
Inhalt: "Mit Blick auf die Bildungsbedeutung der Familie untersucht diese Studie längsschnittliche Einflüsse des elterlichen Schulengagements und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulische Leistungsentwicklung im 2-Jahres-Zeitraum. Im Mittelpunkt stehen zwei Aspekte akademischer Sozialisation: die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern und deren Interesse an schulischen Belangen der Kinder. Die Daten für 469 Kinder im Alter zwischen 8 und 16 Jahren stammen aus dem Deutschen Beziehungsund Familienpanel pairfam. In multiplen Regressionen, die zahlreiche Hintergrundfaktoren, den früheren Leistungsstand sowie das Problemverhalten der Kinder kontrollieren, erweist sich lediglich die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern als relevant. Während das Alter der Kinder keinen moderierenden Einfluss auf die Bedeutung akademischer Sozialisation und die Verbundenheit mit den Eltern hat, trägt die Bildungsorientierung nur bei hoher Verbundenheit der Kinder mit den Eltern zu besseren schulischen Leistungen bei. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Bedeutung elterlicher Bildungsaspirationen, vor allem im Kontext einer positiven Eltern-Kind-Beziehung." (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: "Focusing family influences on children's academic development, the present study investigated longitudinal effects of parental school involvement as well as children’s closeness to parents as predictors of school achievement across two years. Two aspects of academic socialization were of particular interest: parents' aspirations for higher education and their interest in children's schooling. Data for 469 children (age 8 to 16 years) came from the German Family Panel pairfam. Multiple regression analyses controlling for a variety of background factors, children's previous grades, and their problem behavior revealed significant effects of parents' educational aspirations only. Whereas children's age did not moderate the effects of closeness to parents or those of academic socialization, higher closeness to parents proved to facilitate effects of parents' educational aspirations. The findings emphasize the role of parental aspirations, particularly in the context of a positive parent-child relationship." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; parent-child relationship; Schulleistung; academic achievement; Elternhaus-Schule; home-school interaction; Bildungsverhalten; education behavior; Motivation; motivation; familiale Sozialisation; family socialization; Bildungsniveau; level of education; sozioökonomische Faktoren; socioeconomic factors; gender-specific factors; soziale Herkunft; social background; Federal Republic of Germany; elterliches Schulengagement
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Familiensoziologie, Sexualsoziologie
Chancengleichheit der Geschlechter? Der Zusammenhang von Geschlecht, Elternschaft und Weiterbildungsteilnahme
Friebel, Harry
Quelle: DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, (2014) 2, S 45-48
Inhalt: Der Autor geht der Frage nach, ob die Chancengleichheit der Geschlechter in der Weiterbildungsteilnahme erreicht wurde. Er geht davon aus, dass diese sich nur beantworten lässt, wenn die lebens- und arbeitsweltlichen Kontexte der Menschen als biografische Regulative der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung berücksichtig werden. Als empirische Datengrundlage dient die Längsschnittstudie "Hamburger Biografie- und Lebenslaufpanel" (HBLP), deren Befunde über den Zusammenhang von Geschlecht, Elternschaft und Weiterbildungsteilnahme in der Tradition der Lebenslaufforschung diskutiert werden.
Schlagwörter:Weiterbildung; further education; Bildungsverhalten; education behavior; Bildungsbeteiligung; participation in education; gender-specific factors; Chancengleichheit; equal opportunity; Elternschaft; parenthood; Familienarbeit; family work; Familie-Beruf; work-family balance; Lebenslauf; life career; Federal Republic of Germany
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungswesen quartärer Bereich, Berufsbildung, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Transnational biographies
Titelübersetzung:Transnational Biographies
Apitzsch, Ursula; Siouti, Irini
Quelle: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung, 15 (2014) 1-2, S 11-23
Inhalt: "In this paper we discuss the concept of transnational biographies in migration studies. We use a biographical case study from the relatively new research field of advancement through education to explore that a transnational biography is not just a product of subjectivity but also a way of gaining access to invisible but nonetheless objective structures of transnational migration spaces. Our thesis is that the discovery and use of a transnational European educational space made it possible for second generation migrants in Germany to circumvent the exclusionary mechanisms of the German education system much more effectively than through unconditional assimilation into that system." (author's abstract)
Schlagwörter:Migration; migration; Biographie; biography; Transnationalität; transnationality; Arbeitsmigration; labor migration; Assimilation; assimilation; soziale Integration; social integration; Bildungsverlauf; course of education; Bildungsniveau; level of education; Migrant; migrant; zweite Generation; second generation; Bildungschance; educational opportunity; beruflicher Aufstieg; career advancement; Federal Republic of Germany; Migrationsforschung; migration research; Forschungsansatz; research approach
SSOAR Kategorie:Migration, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
The Fragility of the Liberal Peace Export to South Sudan: Formal Education Access as a Basis of a Liberal Peace Project
Pemunta, Ngambouk Vitalis; Nkongho, Eno-Akpa Rene
Quelle: Journal of Human Security, 10 (2014) 1, S 59-75
Inhalt: This study examines the disjuncture between the policy transposition of the Liberal Peace Project (LPP) in South Sudan from the country's local context. It underlines how deep rooted historical exclusion from social welfare services reinforces political exclusion and exacerbates poor civic engagement among different ethnicities in the country causing a constant relapse to violence. The study combines a qualitative review of data from Afrobarometer, the National Democratic Institute, international NGOs, and South Sudan's government reports within depth interviews and participants' observation. The research finds that restricted access to formal education alongside the conservative and orthodox approaches to peacebuilding, which broadly focus on centralised urban political institutions and exclude diverse local needs and preferences, limit citizenship participation to elections and preclude an equitable social order in South Sudan, establishing a continuum of fragile authoritarian peace, institutional peace and constitutional peace. In an emancipatory approach, the study proposes a framework that prioritizes an extended access to primary and post-primary vocational education as a more credible establishment for sustainable civil peace in the country. The LPP by the international community needs to be tailored to enhance the political will of the South Sudan government to extend free primary education access, incentivize primary education with school feeding programmes and to invigorate vocational training curricula. These will yield civil peace dividends, which avert South Sudan's structural source of relapse into violence with sustainable disincentives. Apart from women's empowerment through education and in all spheres of life, the government needs to ensure sustainability by guaranteeing a sustainable future for the present and for returning refugees by reducing the effects of climate change so as to cope with the increasing pressure on natural resources.
Schlagwörter:Konflikt; conflict; Bildung; education; Frieden; peace; Konfliktlösung; conflict resolution; Friedensprozess; peace process; bürgerschaftliches Engagement; citizens' involvement; Gewalt; violence; politische Bildung; political education; Bildungsbedarf; demand for education; Bildungspolitik; educational policy; Südsudan; South Sudan; formal education; liberal peace; peacebuilding; post-conflict settlement
SSOAR Kategorie:Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sicherheitspolitik, Makroebene des Bildungswesens, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Navigating ethnic stigmatisation in the educational setting: coping strategies of young immigrants and descendants of immigrants in Norway
Fangen, Katrine; Lynnebakke, Brit
Quelle: Social Inclusion, 2 (2014) 1
Inhalt: Tolerance and equality are widespread norms in the official policy of many European countries. The educational system is an arena which even more than others is meant to foster equal opportunities by giving individuals the opportunity to strive for social mobility through their educational performance. Despite this, young people from ethnic minority backgrounds experience different forms of stigmatization in school and higher education, ranging from feeling marked as different to experiencing more explicit racism. This article analyses young people's coping strategies in order to combat or avoid such stigmatization. We will analyse the possible reasons why young people choose a particular strategy in a given situation, how successful that choice is, and changes in their choice of strategies over time. We will discuss how earlier experiences of support, encouragement and respect (or the lack there of) inform the extent to which young people choose more approaching than avoiding strategies as a response to perceived ethnic stigmatisation in the educational setting. The empirical basis of the article is a sample of 50 biographical interviews with young people of ethnic minority backgrounds living in Norway.
Schlagwörter:Toleranz; tolerance; Gleichstellung; affirmative action; Bildungswesen; education system; Chancengleichheit; equal opportunity; Minderheit; minority; ethnische Gruppe; ethnic group; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Schule; school; university; Rassismus; racism; Stigmatisierung; stigmatization; Norwegen; Norway; Interview; interview; Exklusion; exclusion; Auswanderung; emigration
SSOAR Kategorie:soziale Probleme, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Bildungsbeteiligung in Baden-Württemberg 2010
Wolf, Rainer
Quelle: Statistisches Monatsheft Baden-Württemberg, (2012) 1, S 3-10
Schlagwörter:Bildungsbeteiligung; participation in education; Baden-Württemberg; Baden-Württemberg; Federal Republic of Germany; Bildungseinrichtung; educational institution; Berufsbildung; vocational education; Schulpflicht; compulsory education; university; Weiterbildung; further education; Volkshochschule; Volkshochschule; Berufsschule; part-time vocational school; Geschlechterverhältnis; gender relations; Altersgruppe; age group
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Makroebene des Bildungswesens, Bildungswesen quartärer Bereich, Berufsbildung
Weitere Ergebnisse der Absolventenbefragung 2010: gibt es unterschiedliche Bewertungen zwischen Männern und Frauen?
Lott, Birgit
Quelle: Statistisches Monatsheft Baden-Württemberg, (2011) 12, S 16-20
Schlagwörter:Absolvent; graduate; Befragung; survey; Studienfach; subject of study; Frauenanteil; proportion of women; Studiengang; program of study; Praxisbezug; practice relevance; Studium; studies (academic); Ausland; foreign countries; Erwerbstätigkeit; gainful employment; beruflicher Aufstieg; career advancement; Mann; man; woman; Baden-Württemberg; Baden-Württemberg; Federal Republic of Germany; Arbeitsplatz; job; Bewertung; evaluation; Teilzeitarbeit; part-time work; Einkommen; income
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Berufsforschung, Berufssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Allgemeine Soziologie, Makrosoziologie, spezielle Theorien und Schulen, Entwicklung und Geschichte der Soziologie