The relationship between educational pathways and occupational outcomes at the intersection of gender and social origin
Zimmermann, Barbara; Seiler, Simon
Quelle: Social Inclusion, 7 (2019) 3, S 79-94
Inhalt: In this article, we are interested in the differences in the educational pathways and subsequent labour market outcomes by social origin and gender. We apply sequence analyses to model the educational trajectories and conduct regression analyses to determine how the individual's own social status and the salary at labour market entry differs. First, our results show that educational pathways vary by parental status and gender when controlling for reading and mathematics/science skills. Men and pupils with a lower socioeconomic background are overrepresented in vocational education, whereas women and pupils with a more privileged socioeconomic background more often pursue general and academic tracks. Second, these different trajectories lead to unequal occupational status and income. Besides these indirect effects, significant direct effects of parental status and gender on the individual's own occupational status and salary can be found. Together, these findings provide a broad overview of the emergence of inequalities by gender and social origin over the early life course, ranging from differences in skills learned in school to labour market outcomes.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; Arbeitsmarkt; social background; gender; Bildungsverlauf; education; soziale Herkunft; wage difference; Lohnunterschied; course of education; social inequality; soziale Ungleichheit; labor market
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Bildung in Deutschland 2014: ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zur Bildung von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung
Quelle: Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung; Bielefeld, 2014. 354 S
Inhalt: Schwerpunkt von "Bildung in Deutschland 2014" ist die Inklusion. In der 5. Auflage von "Bildung in Deutschland" analysieren die Autoren die Situation von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Bildungssystem.
Der Bericht "Bildung in Deutschland" erscheint seit 2006 alle zwei Jahre als umfassende und empirisch fundierte Bestandsaufnahme des deutschen Bildungswesens: von der frühkindlichen Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung über die allgemeinbildende Schule und die non-formalen Lernwelten im Schulalter, die berufliche Ausbildung und Hochschulbildung bis hin zur Weiterbildung im Erwachsenenalter.
Inhalt: Inclusion is the focal point of "Education in Germany 2014". The 5th issue of "Education in Germany" (Bildung in Deutschland) offers analyses from various authors of the position of disabled people in the education system.
The report "Education in Germany" has been published biennially since 2006 and is a comprehensive and empirically founded stock-take of the German education system: from early childhood training, care and education, to mainstream schools and non-formal education during school age, vocational training and third level education, right down to further education for adults.
Schlagwörter:adult education; education; Berufsaussicht; Erwachsenenbildung; training; university; Federal Republic of Germany; vocational education; Bildungsertrag; general education school; education system; further education; handicapped; equal opportunity; frühkindliche Erziehung; allgemein bildende Schule; inclusion; educational offerings; Bildung; Inklusion; early childhood education and care; studies (academic); Chancengleichheit; Behinderter; Bildungsbeteiligung; Bildungswesen; Studium; Ausbildung; Partizipation; returns on education; participation; Berufsbildung; Weiterbildung; Bildungsangebot; career prospect; participation in education; Bildungsberichterstattung
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Makroebene des Bildungswesens
The Fragility of the Liberal Peace Export to South Sudan: Formal Education Access as a Basis of a Liberal Peace Project
Pemunta, Ngambouk Vitalis; Nkongho, Eno-Akpa Rene
Quelle: Journal of Human Security, 10 (2014) 1, S 59-75
Inhalt: This study examines the disjuncture between the policy transposition of the Liberal Peace Project (LPP) in South Sudan from the country's local context. It underlines how deep rooted historical exclusion from social welfare services reinforces political exclusion and exacerbates poor civic engagement among different ethnicities in the country causing a constant relapse to violence. The study combines a qualitative review of data from Afrobarometer, the National Democratic Institute, international NGOs, and South Sudan's government reports within depth interviews and participants' observation. The research finds that restricted access to formal education alongside the conservative and orthodox approaches to peacebuilding, which broadly focus on centralised urban political institutions and exclude diverse local needs and preferences, limit citizenship participation to elections and preclude an equitable social order in South Sudan, establishing a continuum of fragile authoritarian peace, institutional peace and constitutional peace. In an emancipatory approach, the study proposes a framework that prioritizes an extended access to primary and post-primary vocational education as a more credible establishment for sustainable civil peace in the country. The LPP by the international community needs to be tailored to enhance the political will of the South Sudan government to extend free primary education access, incentivize primary education with school feeding programmes and to invigorate vocational training curricula. These will yield civil peace dividends, which avert South Sudan's structural source of relapse into violence with sustainable disincentives. Apart from women's empowerment through education and in all spheres of life, the government needs to ensure sustainability by guaranteeing a sustainable future for the present and for returning refugees by reducing the effects of climate change so as to cope with the increasing pressure on natural resources.
Schlagwörter:Konflikt; conflict; Bildung; education; Frieden; peace; Konfliktlösung; conflict resolution; Friedensprozess; peace process; bürgerschaftliches Engagement; citizens' involvement; Gewalt; violence; politische Bildung; political education; Bildungsbedarf; demand for education; Bildungspolitik; educational policy; Südsudan; South Sudan; formal education; liberal peace; peacebuilding; post-conflict settlement
SSOAR Kategorie:Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sicherheitspolitik, Makroebene des Bildungswesens, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie
Rezension: Maren Zeller (2012): Bildungsprozesse von Mädchen in den Erziehungshilfen
Richter, Martina
Quelle: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung / Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, 8 (2013) 3, S 366-368
Schlagwörter:Mädchen; girl; Bildung; education; Prozess; process; Erziehungshilfe; youth assistance; Jugendhilfe; youth welfare; Sozialpädagogik; social pedagogy; Bildungstheorie; educational theory; Bildungsforschung; educational research
SSOAR Kategorie:Sozialwesen, Sozialplanung, Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik, Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Bildungsindikatoren auf Ebene der Bundesländer: Baden-Württemberg mit überwiegend positiven Ergebnissen
Wolf, Rainer
Quelle: Statistisches Monatsheft Baden-Württemberg, (2010) 10, S 11-15
Schlagwörter:Bildung; education; Indikator; indicator; Bundesland; Bundesland; Baden-Württemberg; Baden-Württemberg; Federal Republic of Germany; Bildungseinrichtung; educational institution; gender-specific factors; Studium; studies (academic); Lehrpersonal; teaching staff; Beschäftigung; employment; Bildungsabschluss; level of education attained; university; Frauenanteil; proportion of women; Quote; quota
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Makroebene des Bildungswesens
Schooling, transitions and reproductive citizenship for poor people in urban and rural north India: preliminary results from Alwar and Dewas
Noronha, Claire; Jeffery, Roger; Jeffery, Patricia
Quelle: University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP); Cambridge (RECOUP Working Papers, 15), 2008. 24 S
Inhalt: Exactly how schooling affects young women's 'autonomy', especially with respect to her fertility and the life-chances of her children, is a contested issue. We draw on semi-structured interviews with young married women with at least one child under the age of six, in urban and rural areas of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, north India, to elaborate differences in attitudes and experiences in
early married life between young married women with at least eight years of schooling and those with little or no formal schooling. All the women in our sample come from India’s most disadvantaged
social groups—Scheduled or Other Backward Castes—and live in disadvantaged communities. Tentative conclusions include that women with 10 years or more schooling have very different aspirations about their life partner and married life, and are better able to negotiate relationships with their mother-in-law than do the women with little or no formal schooling experience.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; fertility; Indien; education; Entscheidung; adolescent; Bildungsbeteiligung; Familienplanung; wedding; girl; Heirat; decision; Mädchen; autonomy; woman; Jugendlicher; level of education; Autonomie; India; Bildungsniveau; family planning; participation in education; Fruchtbarkeit; female autonomy; fertility; education; India
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Gender and household education expenditure in Pakistan
Aslam, Monazza; Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi
Quelle: Applied Economics, 40 (2008) 20, S 2573-2591
Inhalt: Pakistan has very large gender gaps in educational outcomes. One explanation could be that girls receive lower educational expenditure allocations than boys within the household, but this has never convincingly been tested. This article investigates whether the intra-household allocation
of educational expenditure in Pakistan favours males over females. It also explores two different explanations for the failure of the extant 'Engel curve' studies to detect gender-differentiated treatment in education even where gender bias is strongly expected. Using individual level data
from the latest household survey from Pakistan, we posit two potential channels of gender bias: bias in the decision whether to enrol/ keep sons and daughters in school, and bias in the decision of education expenditure conditional on enrolling both sons and daughters in school. In middle and secondary school ages, evidence points to significant pro-male biases in both the enrolment decision as well as the decision of how much to spend conditional on enrolment. However, in the primary school age-group, only the former channel of bias applies. Results suggest that the observed strong gender difference in education expenditure is a within rather than an across household phenomenon.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; private household; gender; Junge; education; Ausgaben; Pakistan; Bildungsbeteiligung; girl; Gender; expenditures; Mädchen; boy; level of education; gender-specific factors; Bildungsniveau; Pakistan; Privathaushalt; participation in education; education expenditure
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
The relative effectiveness of government and private schools in Pakistan: are girls worse off?
Aslam, Monazza
Quelle: University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP); Cambridge (RECOUP Working Papers, 4), 2007. 35 S
Inhalt: Recent evidence from Pakistan points to significant pro-male bias within households in the allocation of education expenditures. This raises two important questions: Is less spent on enrolled girls than boys through differential school-type choice for the two sexes, for example
through a greater likelihood of sending boys to fee-charging private schools? And, if indeed this is the case, are girls thereby condemned to lower quality schooling, on average, than boys? By asking these questions, this paper makes three contributions to the literature. Firstly, this is one of a very few studies in Pakistan to explore the question of the relative effectiveness of public and private schools despite there being an unprecedented expansion of fee-charging private schools in the last two decades. Secondly, unlike existing papers which focus on primary schooling, this study looks at potential learning gaps by school-type for students in their last year of middle school (grade 8), very near their transition to secondary schooling. Thirdly, it exploits unique, purposively-collected data from government and private school students and thus, in estimating achievement production functions, is able to control for a number of variables typically ‘unobserved’ by researchers. The findings reveal that boys are indeed more likely to be sent to private schools than girls within the household, so that differential school-type choice is an important channel of differential treatment against girls. Private schools are also found to be of better quality – they are more effective than government schools in imparting mathematics and literacy skills. Girls lose out vis a vis boys in terms not only of lower within-household educational expenditures but also in terms of the quality of schooling accessed.
Schlagwörter:Bildung; private household; education; Ausgaben; Benachteiligung; Pakistan; girl; expenditures; Mädchen; school system; general education school; Privatschule; Schulwahl; Schulwesen; gender-specific factors; school choice; deprivation; Pakistan; allgemein bildende Schule; private school; Privathaushalt; government/ private schools; achievement; middle-schools; school quality
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Makroebene des Bildungswesens, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Das Menschenrecht auf Bildung und der Schutz vor Diskriminierung: Exklusionsrisiken und Inklusionschancen
Titelübersetzung:The human right to education and protection against discrimination: exclusion risks and inclusion opportunities
Motakef, Mona
Quelle: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte; Berlin (Studie / Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte), 2006. 52 S
Inhalt: Das Recht auf Bildung ist nicht nur ein eigenständiges Menschenrecht, sondern auch ein zentrales Instrument, um den Menschenrechten zur Geltung zu verhelfen. Als Empowerment Right hat es eine wichtige Bedeutung für die Befähigung von Menschen, sich für die eigenen Rechte einzusetzen und sich im solidarischen Einsatz für die Menschenrechte anderer zu engagieren. Die Studie erklärt die normativen Grundlagen des Menschenrechts auf Bildung und erläutert die menschenrechtlichen Strukturelemente, die bei der umfassenden Verwirklichung der Bildungsrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu berücksichtigen sind. Sie bietet Anregungen für eine Politik der Inklusion und Integration in der Bildung, die angemessen auf die Verschiedenheit der Lernenden reagieren kann.
Schlagwörter:discrimination; education; Menschenrechte; social integration; Solidarität; Diskriminierung; special education; Migrant; Federal Republic of Germany; Jugendlicher; Kind; Kinderrechte; solidarity; poverty; Bildung; children's rights; gender; adolescent; migrant; Armut; Sonderpädagogik; soziale Integration; human rights; child; gender-specific factors; Recht auf Bildung; Antidiskriminierungsmaßnahme; Globaler Menschenrechtsschutz; EMRK
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Migration, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Sonderpädagogik, Recht
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht
Mädchen und Technik-Studiengänge: oder: Wie können Mädchen für ein technisches oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium motiviert werden?
Titelübersetzung:Girls and technical channels of academic studies: or: how can girls be motivated to study a technical subject or natural science?
Leuthold, Margit
Quelle: Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien; Wien (Reihe Soziologie / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Soziologie, 43), 2000. 78 S
Inhalt: 'Trotz einer starken Änderung im Bildungsverhalten der Frauen erhalten sich die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede beim Zugang zu den Universitäten und reproduzieren sich in der Studienrichtungswahl weiter. Noch immer entscheiden sich mehr junge Mädchen und Frauen auch beim Studieren eher für geistes-, kultur- oder sozialwissenschaftliche Fächer als für ein technisches oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium. Die geringste Präsenz von Frauen ist in den typischen Ingenieurwissenschaften zu verzeichnen, in der Elektrotechnik und den Technischen Naturwissenschaften sind die Frauenanteile bei den Ersteinschreibenden in den vergangenen zehn Jahren sogar zurückgegangen. Prozentual beträgt der Anteil von Frauen in Technikstudiengängen an den österreichischen Universitäten zwischen 4 und 38 Prozent, an den Fachhochschulen - mit Ausnahme der Bereiche Medientechnik, Mediendesign, MultiMediArt und InterMedia - beträgt der Anteil von Frauen an der Gesamtzahl der Studierenden zwischen 1 und 23 Prozent. Zieht man in Betracht, dass nur mehr ein Drittel aller HTL-Schülerinnen an einer Fachhochschule oder an einer Technischen Universität weiterstudieren und dass im österreichischen Bildungswesen wichtige Ausbildungsentscheidungen bereits schon früh getroffen werden und nur mehr schwer korrigiert werden können, dann werden auch für die Zukunft keine wesentlichen Änderungen zu erwarten sein, wenn nicht verstärkt Maßnahmen unternommen werden, um Mädchen für ein technisches Studium zu motivieren. Die Literatur- und Internetrecherchen zielen darauf ab, Informationen und Daten hinsichtlich derjenigen Rahmenbedingungen zu erheben, innerhalb derer heute Mädchen und junge Frauen ihre Studienwahl treffen, sowie eine Übersicht über jene Projekte und Maßnahmen zu erhalten, die eine Technikorientierung von Mädchen im Rahmen ihrer Studienwahl befördern könnten. Im vorliegenden Bericht werden diese Informationen, Praxisbeispiele und Modellprojekte zusammengestellt und im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Adaptierung für österreichische Mädchenförderung diskutiert.' (Autorenreferat)
Inhalt: 'In spite of a changing situation for female education differences still exist in choosing a study as well as in aiming a profession. In cultural, social and philosophical studies women are represented to a larger degree in natural sciences than in technical fields. In Austria, the rate of female technical and scientific students is between 4% and 38%. Therefore there is a need of improved information and orientation towards technical and scientific studies in schools in order to give advices and examples of female scientists to motivate young women to choose a technical or scientific study. The paper summarises the results of recent data and information (of literature and internet research) concerning the Austrian situation and points out some examples and model projects within Germany and Austria to motivate young woman to assume technical studies.' (author's abstract)|
Schlagwörter:Bildung; studies (academic); education; Austria; promotion; women's policy; Studium; girl; Österreich; Förderung; Technik; Mädchen; woman; natural sciences; Naturwissenschaft; Frauenpolitik; engineering; gender-specific factors
SSOAR Kategorie:Bildungs- und Erziehungssoziologie, Bildungswesen tertiärer Bereich, Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
Dokumenttyp:Graue Literatur, Bericht