Center of Excellence Women and Science

INSPIRE Deliverable 3.3: Report on GEP Monitoring Survey + Webcrawl Result

Categories: CEWS Aktuell

Since 2022, research organisations and higher education institutions applying for EU funding in the Horizon Europe Framework must meet a key eligibility criterion: the implementation of a Gender Equality Plan (GEP). However, a reliable tool for monitoring these plans is currently lacking.

The latest report by the CEWS team, developed as part of the EU funded INSPIRE project, addresses this gap. It focuses on the development of indicators and their application through two methodological approaches:

  •  Web scraping and automated text analysis
  •  A Europe-wide online survey

The report presents the results gathered by both approaches, focusing on the impact the requirements related to the eligibility criterion hat and the prevalence of GEPs across Europe.

The study includes data from nearly 7,000 research-performing and research-funding organisations across Europe and associated countries. In total, 4,571 surveys were sent out, 281 answered the questionnaire, whereas 6,571 organisations have been investigated by web scraping.

The report presents findings if the GEPs are public available, if there are dedicated resources for data collection and monitoring, and in which areas trainings are mainly offered.

This report provides valuable insights into the implementation of the eligibility requirements and establishes a foundation for future GEP monitoring tools.

Read the report here D3.3 Report on GEP Monitoring Survey + Webcrawl Result

More information on the INSPIRE project at CEWS