Center of Excellence Women and Science

Measures for more gender equality in appointment procedures in the INKA toolbox - CEWS supports higher education institutions in implementing the HRK's voluntary commitment

Categories: CEWS Aktuell

Together with the German Rectors' Conference (German abbreviation: HRK), CEWS has revised its toolbox INKA and set up the new field of action “Appointment procedures”.

The background to this is the voluntary commitment towards more gender equality in appointment procedures adopted by the HRK at its General Assembly in May 2024. The resolution specifies concrete goals and areas of action as well as measures that can contribute to greater gender equality at higher education institutions. As an accompanying measure to the voluntary commitment, the signatory higher education institutions have agreed to enter their institutionally established instruments in INKA, the CEWS database on gender equality measures in German academia.

Special FAQ apply to the self-registration process for this field of action (link in German). The general FAQ for entries in the INKA can also be found in the CEWS portal. The measures can be reported to CEWS using the suggestion form.

Further links (in German)