The new project “SIGIS - Study on intersectional gender inequalities in structural and cultural-normative organizational and working conditions at universities” has started at CEWS and runs until June 30, 2026.
The study examines the structural and cultural-normative organizational and working conditions at universities for the intersectional gender inequalities they contain. Although the participation of women in science and academia has increased in recent years, this is not happening equally in all areas and disciplines. The proportion of female professors is also not increasing at the expected speed and not all women face the same disadvantages because of intersectional inequalities. In addition to structural data on gender relations, like increase of female professors, normative attitudes and the working culture are important indicators that have to be studied together with structural developments to evaluate the state of gender equality.
Based on the insights gained, change approaches can be developed for a more gender-equal work and organizational culture.
Learn more about the project here.