Center of Excellence Women and Science


Evaluation of the Gender Equality Policy and the Gender Studies Structures of the Ruhr University Bochum

Project duration: 01.02.2017 - 31.10.2017

Project team: Sabrina Glanz, Dr. Andrea Löther, Dr. Nina Steinweg

Project leader: Dr. Andrea Löther, Dr. Nina Steinweg

Project description:

On the one hand, the evaluation examines RUB's gender equality policy. The focus is on the goals and strategies of gender equality policy and its implementation, anchoring and process design, not on individual measures and their effectiveness. On the other hand, the evaluation aims to analyze the Gender Studies structures, especially in a nationwide comparison with different models of institutionalizing Gender Studies in universities.

The evaluation aims to gain a comprehensive view of the gender equality policy and the structures of Gender Studies to work out the status quo and potential for development. Thus, the analysis serves as a basis for the future development and design of the gender equality policy and the structures of Gender Studies.

CEWS understands evaluations as an offer of analysis and consultation. Criteria for the assessment are self-set goals as well as the coherence and appropriateness of the overall work.

Funded by:

Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Ruhr University Bochum