Evaluation Lise-Meitner-Habilitation-Scholarship-Program
Project duration: 01.08.2003 - 31.12.2003
Research team: Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch, Dr. Inken Lind, Dr. Andrea Löther
At the request of the Ministry of Science and Research in North Rhine-Westphalia CEWS evaluated the Lise-Meitner-Habilitation-Scholarship-Program. Established in 1991, the program has since functioned as a model for similar programs in other German federal states. The evaluation focused on the question of a goal-oriented realization of the program and its effectiveness. As the program already ran for several years, the medium term effects could be examined by reconstructing the career trajectories of former scholars. The survey of all Lise-Meitner-scholars was carried out online.
The evaluation finished in May 2004. The results demonstrated the high quality of the program and a success rate similar to habilitation programs of other organizations (measured by completed habilitations). Moreover, factors influencing the career trajectory as well as notable differences between professors and scholarship recipients who had not yet been appointed to professorships were identified. In addition to the overall positive results, concrete recommendations were made with the objective to initiate redirection of those aspects which were clearly found to be suboptimal.
The study was documented in a report given to the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Science and Research and published in an article in the CEWS series CEWS.Beiträge no.3 “Erfolg und Wirksamkeit von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen an Hochschulen” (Success and effectiveness of gender equality measures in Higher Eduction).