The effectiveness of gender equality policy programs and measures as well as their quality assurance are increasingly in the focus of a broad scientific public. Evaluations are an instrument to answer questions about the effectiveness and quality of gender equality policies.
The CEWS team combines expertise in gender relations and gender equality policy in academia with knowledge of evaluation research and social science methodology. CEWS evaluations primarily aim to improve and further develop programs that promote gender equality in research and academia.
CEWS conducts various forms of evaluations of higher education-wide policies and programs nationally and internationally:
Program evaluation
CEWS evaluates gender equality policy programs at the federal and state level as well as programs of individual foundations with regard to implementation and effects as well as impacts on gender relations in academia. For example, a study for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation investigated the conditions that lead to low participation of female researchers in programs to promote international mobility. In addition, CEWS evaluated the 2nd phase of the “Evaluation of the Programme for Women Professors”. Within this framework, the CEWS conducted a quantitative impact analysis, among other things. An important result was that the proportion of women professors at participating universities increased more strongly during the observation period than at universities that were not involved in the program.
Evaluation of gender equality plans at universities and research institutions and development of methods
Within the framework of the EU projects INTEGER and GEECCO, CEWS evaluated the implementation of gender equality plans. In the INSPIRE project, CEWS contributes to methodological development in the cross-cutting monitoring of gender equality plans at academia.
CEWS also conducted evaluations of the gender equality policies of individual organizations and their units, for example at the University of Bremen and Technical Faculty of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.