
Questionnaire design

Standardized, scientifically tested and validated survey instruments are an essential prerequisite for the quality of the data collected in a survey. Developing a questionnaire that respondents can clearly understand and accurately answer requires expertise in survey methodology. Our GESIS experts evaluate your items, scales, and questions for their suitability for your project. If you are planning an international or multilingual survey, we offer advice on appropriate harmonization and translation methods. Benefit from our extensive experience for your project!

Our consulting services on questionnaire design

Questionnaire design and question wording

We consult on the development and design of questionnaires. Our consulting topics include questionnaire structure and length, the selection and formulation of questions, response formats and scales, as well as designing for different survey modes.

Questionnaires for different survey modes

Surveys are conducted in various modes, which should be considered when designing questionnaires. We offer guidance on designing and adapting questionnaires for different survey modes, such as face-to-face interviews, telephone surveys, as well as paper or online surveys.

International and cross-cultural surveys

We support your project with our experience in international survey projects by consulting on scientific methods for questionnaire translation and the harmonization of sociodemographic characteristics. If needed, we also provide advice on questionnaire development in an international context.

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Sociodemographic characteristics

Sociodemographic characteristics are collected in virtually every social science survey, as they position individuals within the social structure, which in turn influences attitudes and behavior in various ways. We advise on the standardized collection of sociodemographic data, its coding, and its harmonization across studies or samples, for instance, in internationally comparative studies.

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Who is this service for?
We provide consultation to researchers within the context of research and infrastructure projects, whose outputs benefit the social sciences (e.g., through publications, publicly available data, or validated measurement instruments). Unfortunately, we are unable to offer advice on bachelor's or master's theses.

What are the costs?
Short consultations, offered as a form of guidance for self-help, are free of charge. We are also happy to support you with more in-depth, fee-based consulting services. Further details can be found in our pricing overview.

Cognitive pretesting
Empirically assess the comprehensibility and validity of questions in-depth

We draw telephone samples and complex samples for you

Weighting and analysis of complex data
We perform weighting, imputation, or nonresponse bias analyses for you

GESIS survey guides
Practical guidelines on survey methodology topics

SQP - Survey quality predictor
Estimate the measurement quality of questions using meta-analysis

Meet the Experts - Season 1: Survey Methodology
Recorded lectures from our "Meet the Experts" series

Harmonization of questions for selected constructs with recoding scripts and an R package for your own projects