Eurobarometer Data Service

Candidate Countries EB 2003.5     November-December 2003     ZA No. 4240

Identities and Values, Financial Services and Consumer Protection, and Time Use in the Countries Applying for European Union Membership

Special Topics

  • value orientations and identities (interests)
  • financial services
  • Time use: preferences and satisfaction with respect to time budget for job, learning, family, household and other activities; preferences with respect to retirement (Standard EB 60.3)

Documents and Data


  • Fieldwork coordination and dataset integration by GALLUP EUROPE  
  • Comparable data in the framework of the Standard Eurobarometer series for the special modules on Value Orientations and Identities (EB 60.1 / ZA3640), on Financial Services (EB 60.2 / ZA3939), and on Time Use (EB 60.3 / ZA3940).  
  • 1st ZA release as of January 25, 2006 


  • Gallup International Hungary: Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.5: Identities and Values in the Accession and Candidate Countries. Full Report.  Survey requested by the European Commission Directorate General Education Culture and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication. March 2004.
  • Gallup International Hungary: Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.5:  DG Employment and Social Affairs. Full Report. Survey requested by the European Commission Directorate General Education and Culture and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication. March 2004.
  • Gallup International Hungary: Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.5: Financial Services and Consumer Protection. Full Report. Survey requested by the European Commission Directorate General Health and Consumer Protection and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication. May 2004.