Eurobarometer Data Service

Countries, regions, population coverage

Flash Eurobarometer usually cover the European Union member countries at times, just like the standard series. Occasionally they refer to specific subgroups or single member countries, depending on the topic. These may be the Applicant and/or Candidate Countries (EU enlargement) or the EFTA countries. In case of special topics like "tourism" or "entrepreneurship" selected non-european countries may also be included (e.g. the United States, Japan or Israel). In all countries general population samples are drawn among the national or EU population, aged 15 and over. In the case of special election or referendum related topics the age limit can be 18 and over. 

Unlike the standard series, only in the 1990s there are usually still separate samples for East-Germany and Northern Ireland. Until about 1995 there were a few limits in coverage by reason of telephone interviewing (Greece: the five main urban areas; Ireland: the Dublin area; Portugal: the five main urban areas; United Kingdom: Northern Ireland excluded).

Special Target group polls are a specific Flash Eurobarometer domain. The main focus are business managers in small and middle sized enterprises, but they also comprise special professional groups, decision makers in general, young people or other specific population subgroups. 

A large Top Decision Makers survey in 1996 was conceived as a feasibility study to evaluate the possibility of surveying on a regular basis the very Top Decision Makers in all Member States of the European Union on their attitudes towards the EU, further European Integration, and a common currency. 

Depending on the specific survey, the standard sample size is 500 or 1000 completed interviews per country for the total population (aged 15+) surveys, increased to 2000 respondents if required by the topic (internet use). The size of special target group samples differs largely depending on the respectiv universe.