Standard & Special EB Study Profiles
- Overview of Standard Eurobarometer (24 kB)
- Overview linking the Eurobarometer report titles and corresponding surveys (79 kB)
- Overview of countries, fieldwork dates/institutes, sample sizes and lowest available NUTS regions in all Standard, Special and Candidate Countries EB
[EXCEL file (281 kB)]
The Eurobarometer study profiles to be selected from the list provide basic tabular information on all Standard and Special Topic Eurobarometer.
Alternatively, these study profiles are grouped by subject categories:
- Select Eurobarometer by special topics
Information in the study profiles
Overview and archive information
- Special topic modules
- Participating countries and fieldwork dates
- Embargo provisions
- Errata reporting
- Versioning and release dates
Access to documentation and data
- Study description (including DOI and version information, access to related documentation and DBK data download)
- Archive variable reports (codebooks)
- Basic bilingual questionnaires (English/French)
- Country specific field questionnaires and split versions
- Link to the online data portal ZACAT (variable level data and documentation, browsing, retrieval and analysis)
Publications and resources
- Links to primary publications (mainly official EC reports)
- Links to other European Commission web sites on related topics