Eurobarometer 28.1 October-November 1987 ZA No. 2041
Special Topics
- The young Europeans: education, employment, life, interests and knowledge of foreign languages
Documents and Data
- Study Description (including version information, errata reporting, variable information, access to questionnaires and data download)
- Archive variable report
- Basic Bilingual Questionnaire
- Youth survey composed
- 24 from standard Eurobarometer 28 (n=2365) plus a youth oversample (n=7084) asked an enlarged questionnaire. The origin of two cases was not traceable.
- Documentation not complete: Field questio
- of respondents aged 15-nnaires for the enlarged youth survey (oversample) are not available.
- Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
Commission of the European Communities: Young Europeans in 1987, Brussels, September 1988.