Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 34.0     October-November 1990     ZA No.  1960

Perceptions of the European Community, and Employment Patterns and Child Rearing

Special Topics

  • The young Europeans: education, employment, life and interests
  • The German Unification
  • Knowledge and importance of foreign languages
  • Social problems, organisational membership and activities
  • Occupational and domestic (household duties) patterns

Documents and Data


  • For the analysis of data related to questions on "occupational and domestic patterns" (TR.1 to TR.29) an additional oversample is available in the framework of Eurobarometer 34.1. For the target group of women and specific needs of this questionnaire topic, one should combine the 34.0 data with the corresponding 34.1 sub sample of women aged 22 to 60.
  • The parallel survey conducted in NORWAY is not part of the official Eurobarometer 34.0.
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION is documented as "Orthodox" for code '3' in the original Eurobarometer codebooks and basic questionnaires starting with survey number 32. This is not correct in the case of the Netherlands. Dutch respondents have been asked for the Protestant section "Gereformeerd" in the place of "Orthodox". Corrected in the ZA codebooks for deliveries after March 16, 1999.
    • The first ICPSR edition as of JULY 1998 of the data set only includes rounded weighting factors, not the original decimal factors as supplied by the principal investigator. The 2nd ICPSR edition as of December 1998 includes the correct weighting factors.
    • In the ICPSR codebook edition the INCOME categories for EAST GERMANY are not documented. The categories (German marks per month) are: 01.  Less than 500; 02.  501 to 750; 03.  751 to 1.000; 04.  1.001 to 1.250; 05.  1.251 to 1.500; 06.  1.501 to 1.750; 07.  1.751 to 2.000; 08.  2.001 to 2.250; 09.  2.251 to 2.500; 10.  2.501 to 2.750; 11.  2.751 to 3.000; 12.  3.001 or more. An updated edition is made available by ZA with deliveries after October 19, 2000.
    • Data for categories 3 and 4 for the Materialism/Post-Materialism index (V488) have been exchanged. Category 2 should read "Post-Materialist" and category 3 "Mixed" in the SPSS as well as in the codebook documentation. Please notice also that all respondents coded as "Missing" in the basic variables V71 and V72 (Value Priorities) are coded to "Mixed" in the index variable (V488) which is not the usual proceeding. It is always strongly recommended to check the index construction for comparability (June 18, 2001).
    • Question wording for V28 (Q.8e DEMOCRACY SATISFACTION FRG) is not documented correctly in the codebook. The correct wording is: "Sind Sie mit der Art und Weise, wie die Demokratie in Deutschland bis zum Beitritt der DDR funktioniert hat, alles in allem gesehen, sehr zufrieden ..." <Are you very satisfied, or ... with the way democracy functioned BEFORE the GDR joined the FRG?>  (January 15, 2004)


  • Commission of the European Communities: EUROBAROMETER 34, Public Opinion in the European Community, Brussels, December 1990.
  • Commission der Europäischen Gemeinschaft: Die Europäische Gemeinschaft und das vereinte Deutschland - Einstellungen und Meinungen der Ost- und Westdeutschen im Vergleich - Sonderbericht über die Ergebnisse aus der Eurobarometer Umfrage Nr. 34 vom Oktober 1990, Brüssel, Februar 1991.
  • Commission of the European Communities: Family and Employment within the Twelve - Special edition of the Eurobarometer
    (Famille et emploi dans l'Europe des douze). Brussels, December 1991.