Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 35.1     April 1991     ZA No.  2032

Public Transportation and Biotechnology

Special Topics

  • Consumer behavior in the Single European Market
  • Attitudes towards urban traffic and public transport
  • New technologies: attitudes towards biotechnology

Documents and Data


  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION is documented as "Orthodox" for code '3' in the original Eurobarometer codebooks and basic questionnaires starting with survey number 32. This is not correct in the case of the NETHERLANDS. Dutch respondents have been asked for the Protestant section "Gereformeerd" in the place of "Orthodox". Corrected in the ZA codebooks for deliveries after March 16, 1999.
    • SIZE OF COMMUNITY has not been documented correctly in the case of GREECE. The correct categories (value labels) for Greece are: 01.  up to 2.000 inhabitants; 02.  2.001 - 10.000 inhabitants; 03.  10.001 - 50.000 inhabitants; 04.  50.001 - 1.000.000 inhabitants; 05.  1.000.001 and more inhabitants. Current ZA deliveries contain the correct documentation. The original INRA codebook and SPSS documentation for categories '04' and '05' is erroneous.


  • Commission of the European Communities: Consumer Behaviour in the internal Market - An Interim Report from Eurobarometer 35. Brussels, July 1991.
  • Commission of the European Communities and the International Union of Public Transport (UITP):  European Attitudes towards Urban Traffic Problems and Public Transport. Brussels, July 1991.
  • Internationaler Verband für Öffentliches Verkehrswesen (UITP), im Auftrag der UITP und der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften: Einschätzungen zur Mobilität in Europa. Brüssel, Januar 1992.
  • Commission of the European Communities: Opinions of Europeans on Biotechnology in 1991. Brussels, July 1991 (also available in French).