Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 37.1     April-May 1992     ZA No.  2241

Consumer Goods and Social Security

Special Topics

  • Consumer behaviour with respect to food products and labelling
  • Attitudes towards social security, health care, unemployment and pensions
  • Attitudes towards elderly people

Documents and Data


  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • SIZE OF COMMUNITY has not been documented correctly in the case of GREECE. The correct categories (value labels) for Greece are: 01. up to 2.000 inhabitants; 02. 2.001 - 10.000 inhabitants; 03. 10.001 - 50.000 inhabitants; 04. 50.001 - 1.000.000 inhabitants; 05. 1.000.001 and more inhabitants. Current ZA deliveries contain the correct documentation. The original INRA codebook and SPSS documentation for categories '04' and '05' is erroneous.
    • Starting with Eurobarometer 34 and up to survey 61, NUTS 1 level data (REGION II) for the NETHERLANDS are not (re-)coded in accordance with the official EUROSTAT nomenclature of territorial unit statistics. The NUTS 2 level province ZEELAND should be coded as belonging to NUTS 1 region (landsdel) WEST instead of SOUTH Netherlands. (ZA editions will be corrected from EB 53 onwards, November 11, 2005)   
    • Original INRA data show identical frequencies for Q32_1 and Q32_2, i.e. V290 and V291 in the ZA data set edition. Data of variable Q32_2 (V291) were overrun by Q32_1 (V290) during the processing. Correct data for Q32_2 are not available.
    • Results to HEALTH CHECK UP question Q.21 (V270 to V275) are probably not correct for PORTUGAL. Categories '1' (yes) and '2' (no) were exchanged compared to the Portuguese field questionnaire. Results are obviously dubious for V272, V274, and V275. (October 23, 2000)


  • Maurizio Ferrera (University of Pavia): EC Citizens and social Protection - Main results from a Eurobarometer survey. Italy, November 1993.
  • Commission of the European Communities: Age and Attitudes - Main Results from a Eurobarometer Survey. Brussels, 1993 (also available in French).
  • Commission des Communautés Européennes: Etiquetage des produits. Bruxelles, Août 1992.