Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 47.1     March-April 1997     ZA No.  2936

Images of Switzerland, Education throughout life, Racism, and Patterns of Family Planning and Work Status

Special Topics

  • Perception of Switzerland
  • Attitudes towards education and training throughout life 
  • Social and political issues, attitudes towards society
  • Attitudes towards immigrants and people from different races, religions and cultures (racism and xenophobia) 
  • Demographic patterns, family planning and work situation

Documents and Data


  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION is documented as "Orthodox" for code '3' in the original Eurobarometer codebooks and basic questionnaires starting with survey number 32. This is not correct in the case of the Netherlands. Dutch respondents have been asked for the Protestant section "Gereformeerd" in the place of "Orthodox". Corrected in the GESIS Data Archive codebooks for deliveries after March 9, 2000.
    • In VOTE INTENTION (V443) and EUROPEAN PARTY PREFERENCE (V478) the data for DENMARK are erroneous. Responses for "Venstre" (70) and "Enhedslisten - De Rod-Gronne" (14) have been exchanged. This also occurs in the original INRA data set. In addition variable V478 is not correctly constructed for France, Denmark, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Greece, and Portugal. GESIS Data Archive deliveries after June 8, 2000 (second GESIS Data Archive edition) are corrected.

    • The OPINION LEADERSHIP INDEX C.1 (V476) has not been constructed correctly in Eurobarometer 47.1. Please recode in accordance with the description of the index in the codebook. GESIS Data Archive deliveries after October 28, 2002 are corrected.


  • European Commission: EUROBAROMETER 47. Public Opinion in the European Community. Brussels, October 1997.
  • INRA (Europe) for the European Commission, DG V: Racism and Xenophobia in Europe - First results presented at the Closing Conference of the European Year Against Racism. Luxembourg, December 1997.
  • European Commission: Europeans and their Attitudes to Education and Training. European Year of Lifelong Learning (1996).Against Racism. Luxembourg, December 1997 (also available in French).
  • European Commission: Young people's attitudes to the European Union. A typology of public opinion among young Europeans. (Eurobarometer 47.1). Brussels, March 1998.
  • European Commission: Women's attitudes to the European Union. A typology of public opinion among Europe's women. (Eurobarometer 47.1). Brussels, December 1997.