Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 56.0     August-September 2001     ZA No.  3625

Information and Communication Technologies, Financial Services, and Cultural Activities

Special Topics

  • Information and communication technologies: Computer / Internet usage and teleworking      
  • Attitudes towards financial services and the financial situation of the respondent   
  • Cultural activities / media exposure (television, radio, computer/Internet, print media, music)  

Documents and Data


  • No standard trend questions; no questions Q.29 to Q.33; reduced demographics
  • EORG has produced additional weighting variables to provide a better basis of comparison with a previous EUROSTAT survey. They are applied in the official reports on "Cultural Activities" (Q.34 to Q.50). Standard Eurobarometer weighting variables are also available.
  • Comparable data for the special module on the Cultural Activities for the candidate countries are available at a later time in the context of Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.1 (ZA4159).
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)


  • Rosario Spadaro (European Opinion Research Group, EEIG): Europeans' participation in cultural activities. A Eurobarometer survey carried out at the request of the European Commission, EUROSTAT. Brussels. April 2002.
  • Chiara Badalori: European Citizens and the Media. National Reports. Public Opinion in the European Union. Executive Summary. Brussels, May 2003.
  • European Opinion Research Group, EEIG, pour la Commission Européenne: Les européens et les technologies de l'information et de la communication dans le cadre de l'emploi. Bruxelles, Automne 2001.
  • Christophe Duflos (EORG, for the Directorate-General): Europeans' views on banking and insurance services. (Comparative report with previous surveys). Brussels, December 2001.