Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 63.4     May-June 2005     ZA No.  4411

European Union Enlargement, the European Constitution, Economic Challenges, Innovative Products and Services

Special Topics

  • Trust in national, international and European Union institutions
  • European Union enlargement
  • The European Constitution
  • The international (political) situation (incl. attitudes towards the USA)
  • Quality of life (the economic and social situation)
  • Innovative products and services 
  • Europeans and languages   

Documents and Data


  • Original data set and documentation supplied by TNS Opinion&Social
  • Including remaining candidate countries after the 2004 enlargement and Northern Cyprus
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.1.0 (2012)


  • TNS Opinion & Social: Standard Eurobarometer 63. Public Opinion in the European Union. Survey requested and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, September 2005.
  • Angelika Scheuer: Zu jung, zu alt - wenn das Alter zum Problem wird. Diskriminierung aufgrund des Alters in Europa. In: Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ZUMA Publikation), Ausgabe 36, Juli 2006 (ISI 36), p. 7-11.
  • European Commission: Youth takes the floor. Young Europeans’ concerns and expectations as to the development of the European Union. Background note based on relevant findings from Eurobarometer Public Opinion in the European Union. Survey requested and coordinated by the Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, December 2005.
  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 236 / Wave 63.4. Population Innovation Readiness. Survey requested Directorate-General Enterprise and coordinated by Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, August 2005.
  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 237 / Wave 63.4. Europeans and languages. Survey requested and coordinated by Directorate General Press and Communication (European Commission). Brussels, September 2005.
  • Pádraig Ó’Riagáin: Measures of language proficiency in national and multinational surveys: A methodological comparison. Poster presented at the Eurobarometer Symposium at GESIS, Cologne, 10 July 2015.