Eurobarometer Data Service

Eurobarometer 75.1     February-March 2011     ZA No. 5479

Energy in the European Union, Citizens' Rights, E-Communications, the Internal Market, and Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

Special Topics

  • Energy in the European Union (QA16 to QA21)
  • Citizens' rights and the European Ombudsman (QB1 to QB5)
  • E-Communication in the household: mobile phone, internet... (QC1 to QC14)
  • The Internal Market: awareness, perceptions, impacts (QD1 to QD20)
  • Climate change: Public awareness and acceptance of CO2 capture and storage (QE1 to QE21)

Documents and Data


  • Original data set and documentation supplied by TNS opinion
  • No standard EU and trend questions included.
  • The European Parliament (EP) question module QA1 to QA15 on 'Women in the European Union' is only available in a separate dataset [GESIS study ZA5526] and with a reduced number respondents for BELGIUM (n=913). Reason for this was the duration of fieldwork in Belgium and the given time frame for the official reporting. The present dataset [GESIS study ZA5479] includes all other modules (QA16 to QA21 and QB to QE) and the entire sample for Belgium (n=1025).
  • Module QC on 'E-communications' partly replicates the corresponding module QA of Eurobarometer 72.5 [ZA4999].
  • Module QD on 'Internal Market' issues partly replicates Flash Eurobarometer 263 [ZA5206]. See also three Eurobarometer qualitative reports on this topic (September/November 2011).
  • Module QE on 'CO2 Capture and Storage' was ONLY surveyed in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, France, Greece, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania.
  • Current archive dataset version / update: archive edition v6.0.0, 2013-06-14, doi:10.4232/1.11646   


  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 362 / Wave 75.1: E-communications Household Survey. Survey requested by the Directorate-General Information Society and Media, and coordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication ('Research and Speechwriting' Unit), Brussels, July 2011.
  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 363 / Wave 75.1: Internal Market: Awareness, Perceptions and Impacts. Survey requested by the Directorate-General for Internal Market and Services, and coordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication ('Research and Speechwriting' Unit), Brussels, September 2011.
  • TNS Qual+: Obstacles citizens face in the Internal Market. Eurobarometer Qualitative Study. Conducted at the request of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market and Services and co-ordinated by Directorate-General for Communication, 'Research and Speechwriting' Unit. Aggregate report. Brussels, September 2011.
  • TNS Opinion & Social: Special Eurobarometer 364 / Wave 75.1: Public Awareness and Acceptance of CO2 capture and storage. Survey requested by the Directorate-General for Energy and coordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication ('Research and Speechwriting' Unit), Brussels, May 2011.
  • European Commission: Special EB 75.1. European Parliament Eurobarometer. Europeans and Energy (Part II). Brussels. April 2011. [ANALYTICAL SYNTHESIS]