Eurobarometer Data Service

European Communities Study    September-October 1973     ZA No.  0628

Special Topics

  • Attitudes towards the European Community
  • Satisfaction with living conditions in Europe

Documents and Data


  • This survey is occasionally also referred to as "Eurobarometer 0"
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata: REGION (V124) is not correctly coded and documented for DENMARK. Separate data for COPENHAGEN AREA (Hovedstadomradet) are not available; data are supposed to be collapsed with SJAELLAND and possibly BORNHOLM into category '0'. Category '4' and '7' are both labelled EAST JUTLAND" while SOUTH JUTLAND does not appear. For Denmark this variable should only be used with caution. (28.01.2004) Derived variable AGE (V109) is not consistent with YEAR OF BIRTH (V111). Respondents born before 1900 are not considered. Category '77' in V111 (equivalent to AGE = 96 years) shows implausible high number of cases (n=103) and is therefore considered as MISSING VALUE. AGE CATEGORIZED (V110) has not been derived from the indicated AGE (YEAR OF BIRTH) but was asked apart.  AGE (V109) has been be corrected as far as possible in the 2nd data set edition as of March 6, 2008 (06.03.2008).


  • Commission des Communautes Europeennes, L'europe vue par les Europeens. Analyse des données sur les attitudes du public à l'égard de l'unification de l'europe (Sondage de septembre 1973 dans les pays de la Communauté euroéenne), Bruxelles, Août 1974.
  • Commission des Communautes Europeennes, Satisfaction et insatisfaction quant aux conditions de vie dans le pays membres de la Communaute Europeenne, Bruxelles, Juin 1974.