Main Eurobarometer trends
This continuity guide is listing selected main trend questions mainly from the Standard Eurobarometer. The detailed trend lists cover tabular overviews of occurrence (survey number, fieldwork date, question/variable identification) as well as a detailed documentation of question texts and possible modifications in question wording and/or answer categories over time.
Please notice that detailed continuity documentation is only available for linked trend entries. Trends included in the Mannheim Eurobarometer Trend File are marked by *.
Select a trend from the following main groups:
General topics
Cultural and national identity
- Attitudes towards immigrants and out-groups
- Immigration from in-/outside the EU
- National / European pride *
- National vs. European identity *
- Sense of national / European identity
- Regional identity
- Trust in people from other countries
- National provenance (Demography)
- Knowledge of foreign languages
International relations
- Attitudes towards EU countries
- Understanding among EU countries *
- Role of the EU/USA in the world
- World war risk *
- International conflict threat *
- Perception of general threats
Living conditions and issues
- Happiness *
- Life satisfaction *
- Interpersonal trust
- Economic & financial situation *
- Situation in different domains
- Development of the respondents' / countries' situation *
- Satisfaction w. different domains
- Expectations of change *
- Important issues
Political efficacy and attitudes
- Satisfaction w. democracy *
- Satisfaction w. democracy in EU *
- Left-right self-placement *
- Attitude tw. change in society *
- Attitudes towards society (Anomia)
- Legitimacy of political systems
- Trust in institutions
- Perceived political influence
- Political/social/economic beliefs
Political & social participation
- Interest in politics *
- Freq. of political discussion *
- Freq. of persuading others *
- Associational membership
- Political protest
- Frequency of media use *
- Access to Info Society services
Voting behaviour
- Strength of party attachment *
- Party Attachment - Which Party? *
- Vote intention (nat. elections) *
- Last vote (nat. elections) *
- Electoral participation (EP) *
- Vote intention (EP) *
Values and religion
- Value orientation (Inglehart) *
- Education goals
- Social & political values
- Religion (Demogr.)
- Church attendance (Demogr.) *
- Religiosity (Demogr.) *
- Importance of religion *
- Belief in God
European Unification
- Att. tw. European unification *
- Membership good/bad *
- Membership country benefit *
- Regret EC/EU scrap *
- European unification speed *
- Att. tw. a political union *
- Enlargement - country approval
- Interest in EC/EU politics *
- Feeling informed about EU *
- Importance of EC/EU matters *
- Personal. meaning of the EU
- Personal EU image
European institutions
- EP media awareness *
- EP impression *
- EP importance for EC/EU *
- EP role preference *
- Att. tw. a European Government *
- Europ. Com. media awareness *
- Europ. Com. impression *
- EU Presidency awareness *
- EU Presidency importance *
- Trust in European institutions *
European Single Market
- Single Market media awareness *
- Att. tw. the Single Market *
- Single Market anticipation *
- the European Currency
European policies
- National vs. EU policy areas *
- EC/EU charter of social rights
- Age *
- Age when finished education *
- Marital status (<EB71.2) *
- Marital status & children (EB71.2 ff.)
- Membership: polit. party (<EB37) *
- Membership: trade union (<EB56) *
- Occupation of respondent - ESOMAR *
- Gender *
- Subj. social class (<EB44) *
- Subj. social position (EB71.2 ff.)
- Financial situation (EB71.2 ff.)
- National provenance (EB62 ff.)
- Internet use (>EB71.1)
- Fixed/mobile telephone (EB63.4-64.3)
- Mobile telephone (EB64.4 ff.)
- Head of HH / MIE (<EB62) *
- HH composition: children *
- HH composition: size *
- HH brutto income (<EB62) *
- Membership: trade union (<EB42) *
- Occupation of MIE - ESOMAR (<EB62) *
- Ownership of durables
- Social class of HH (EB77.3 ff.)
- Fixed/mobile telephone (EB58-63.3)
- Fixed telephone (EB64.4 ff.)
- Region (NUTS) *
- Size of community *
- Type of community *