Eurobarometer Data Service

European Government / Political Union / United States of Europe

European Communities Study 1973,  Eurobarometer 3

Are you, yourself, for or against the Common Market developing into a political European Union? (IF FOR OR AGAINST) How strongly do you feel about it?  (4-point-scale)

Eurobarometer 4, 5

There is a proposal to create a European Political Union amongst the member countries of the Community by 1980 with a European Government which would decide on mayor issues and a European Parliament to monitor its activities. Do you approve or disapprove this plan for a European Political Union? (4-point-scale) 

Eurobarometer 20, 21, 23  (for details of question wording and answer categories see respective footnotes)

The members of the European Parliament who will be elected in 1984 should, as a main aim, work ... (the European Parliament has proposed that the member countries of the European Community should work ...) towards a Political Union ... with a European Government ... responsible to the European Parliament.

Eurobarometer 28, 29, 30, 31, 41.1, 42, 43.1 (included in the Eurobarometer trend file)

Are you for or against the formation, for the European Union, of a European Government responsible to the European Parliament? (for / against)

Eurobarometer 32, 33, 34.0, 35.0, 36, 37.0, 38.0, 39.0, 40, 41.0 (included in the Eurobarometer trend file)

Are you for or against the formation of a European Union with a European Government responsible to the European Parliament? (for / against)

Eurobarometer 38.1, 44.1, 44.2 bis 46.0

(What is your opinion on each of the following proposals?) The formation, for the European Union, of a European Government responsible to the European Parliament? (for / against) 

Eurobarometer 60.1 ff. (up to 66)

Are you, yourself, for or against the development towards a European political Union? (for / against)

Eurobaromter 22, 24, 41.1, 81.2

Some people talk of the idea of forming a "United States of Europe"
putting together the Member States of the (European Community) EU. This means a kind of political union like there is between the (fifty) states of the USA or the (ten) provinces that form Canada. Does this idea of forming a "United States of Europe" someday, including (OUR COUNTRY), seem a good or a bad idea to you?

(EB 41.1: Some people think that it would be a very good idea if the European Union developed into a United States of Europe. Others think it would be a very bad idea. Where would YOU place YOURSELF on this new [10-point] scale?)

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
0628 ECS73 9-10 1973 Q.69 (2) V65
0987 3 5 1975 Q.39 (2) V38
0988 4 10 1975 Q.34 (3) V32
0989 5 5-6 1976 Q.135 (3) V28
1319 20 9-10 1983 Q.253 (4)  V430
1320 21 3-4 1984 Q.354 (4)  V218
1321 22 10-11 1984 Q.253 V158
1541 23 3-4 1985 Q.246 (5)  V117
1542 24 10-11 1985 Q.244 V54
1713 28 10-11 1987 Q.346 V434
1714 29 3-4 1988 Q.350 V386
1715 30 10-11 1988 Q.446 (6)  V567
1750 31 3-4 1989 Q.439 (6)  V424
1752 32 10-11 1989 Q.42 (A) V92
1753 33 3-4 1990 Q.53 V160
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 Q.58 V158
2031 35.0 3 1991 Q.35 V73
2081 36 10-11 1991 Q.27 V87
2141 37.0 3-4 1992 Q.53 V383
2294 38.0 9-10 1992 Q.21 V187
2295 38.1 11 1992 Q.19h (7)   V43
2346 39.0 3-4 1993 Q.21 V109
2459 40 10-11 1993 Q.34 V69
2490 41.0 4-5 1994 Q.23 V65
2491 41.1 6-7 1994 Q.28 V88
2491 41.1 6-7 1994 Q.38a V113
2563 42 11-12 1994 Q.32 V90
2637 43.1 4-5 1995 Q.27 V235
2690 44.1 11-12 1995 Q.30d (8)  V326
2828 44.2bis 2 1996 Q.31d  V423
2898 46.0 10-11 1996 Q.12d V55
3938 60.1 10-11 2003 Q.13  
4229 62.0 10-11 2004 Q.14  
4411 63.4 5-6 2005 QA11  
4414 64.2 10-11 2005 QA12  
4526 66.1 9-10 2006 QA11  
5913 81.2 6 2014 QA14  

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available. 

(2) 4-point-scale: completely favour / favour on the whole / disagree in general / disagree completely

(3) 4-point-scale: totally approve / approve on the whole / disapprove on the whole / totally disapprove

(4) Different question wording: (EB 21: Some people say:) The members of the European Parliament who will be elected in 1984 should, as a main aim, work towards a Political Union of the member countries of the Community with a European Government responsible to the European Parliament. (EB 21: Do you have an opinion on that point, and if yes, are you for (very much or to some extent) or against (to some extent or very much))?  EB 20: Tend to agree / tend to disagree; EB 21: 5-point-scale: very much for / to some extent for / indifferent / to some extent against / very much against; with additional category: does not have an opinion.

(5) Different question wording: The European Parliament has proposed that the member countries of the European Community should work together to form a European Political Union. This means that some kind of European Government would deal with important problems of common interest and would be responsible to the European Parliament. Have you already got an opinion on this subject, and if so, are you very much for, rather for, rather against this project of a European Political Union?  5-point-scale: very much for / somewhat for / indifferent / somewhat against / very much against; with additional category: has not formed an opinion.

(6) Are you for or against the formation of a European Government responsible to the European Parliament? 

(7) Slightly varied question with different item wording: The European Community should have a European Government responsible to the European Parliament and to the European Council of Heads of national government?

(8) Different SPLIT A question wording: The European Union should have a European Government responsible to the European Parliament and to the European Council of Heads of State and government?