Eurobarometer Data Service

Last Vote in Legislative Elections

Eurobarometer 11 (all countries)

Were you able to go and vote in the last general election on [date] or were you prevented? If voted: For which Party did you vote? [France: on the first ballot?]

Eurobarometer 18 to 23 (asked only in Belgium),
Eurobarometer 24 to 27 (asked only in Belgium, Spain and Portugal),
Eurobarometer 28 and 29 (asked only in Spain and Portugal)

Which party (How) did you vote (for) in the last (legislative) election?

Eurobarometer 30 ff. (all countries)

Which party did you vote for at the (last) "General Election" of [year of last general election in respective country] [EB 69.2 ff.: last parliamentarian elections] ?

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1036 11 4 1979 Q.113 V10
1209 18 10 1982 Q.263 V64
1318 19 3-4 1983 Q.362A V252
1319 20 10 1983 Q.262 V442
1320 21 3-4 1984 Q.362 V236
1321 22 10-11 1984 Q.263 V170
1541 23 3-4 1985 Q.263 V150
1542 24 10-11 1985 Q.263 V75
1543 25 3-4 1986 Q.263 V288
1544 26 10-11 1986 - V206
1712 27 4 1987 - V370
1713 28 10-11 1987 - V467
1714 29 3-4 1988 Q.63 V424
1715 30 10-11 1988 Q.533 V688
1750 31 3-4 1989 Q.533 V482
1751 31A 7 1989 Q.433 V656
1752 32 10-11 1989 D.6 V1298
1753 33 3-4 1990 D.6 V220
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 D.6 V285
2031 35.0 3 1991 D.6 V237
2081 36 10-11 1991 D.6 V399
2141 37.0 3-4 1992 D.5 V607
2294 38.0 9-10 1992 D.5 V709
2346 39.0 3-4 1993 D.5 V675
2459 40 10-11 1993 D.5 V549
2490 41.0 4-5 1994 D.5 V423
2491 41.1 6-7 1994 D.5 V306
2563 42 11-12 1994 D.5 V462
2637 43.1 4-5 1995 D.5 V435
2689 44.0 10-11 1995 D.5 V578
2690 44.1 11-12 1995 D.5 V1000
4744 69.2 3-5 2008 D.54 V923-V951
4971 71.1 1-2 2009 QA25 V279-V307
5928 81.4 5-6 2014 D3 no data
7576 91.5 6-7 2019 QG16  

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available.