Eurobarometer Data Service

Political Interest

To what extent would you say you are interested in politics?

  1. a great deal 
  2. to some extent 
  3. not much 
  4. not at all
ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1318 19 3-4 1983 Q.170 V102
1715 30 10-11 1988 Q.365 V507
1750 31 3-4 1989 Q.366 V265
1751 31.A 7 1989 Q.264 V436
1752 32 10-11 1989 Q.37 V87
1753 33 3-4 1990 Q.14 V25
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 Q.17 V75
2491 41.1 6-7 1994 Q.3 V47
2563 42 11-12 1994 Q.19 V56
3052 49 4-5 1998 Q.37  
3509 55.2 5-6 2001 Q.3_2 (4)  
3692 58.0 9-10 2002 Q10_1 (5)  
4233 63.1 1-2 2005 QA1_2 (6)  
4415 64.3 11-12 2005 QB2_1 (7)  

In general, do you pay attention to news about each of the following?

... Politics

... Foreign policy/international affairs (3)

  1. a lot of attention 
  2. a little attention 
  3. no attention at all
ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
3204 52.0 10-11 1999 Q.16_1  
3507 55.1 4-5 2001 Q.12_1  
3639 57.1 3-5 2002 Q.9_1  


(Are you interested in) Politics in (your country)?

0. not mentioned
1. mentioned

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1208 17 3-4 1982 Q.141b V44
1544 26 10-11 1986 Q.159b V51
1713 28 10-11 1987 Q.142b V25
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 Q.9_2 V31
1962 34.2 10-11 1990 Q.8_2 V30
2242 37.2 4-5 1992 Q.4_12 V30(2)

(Are you interested in) International politics?

0. not mentioned 
1. mentioned

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1208 17 3-4 1982 Q.141j V52
1544 26 10-11 1986 Q.159j V59
1713 28 10-11 1987 Q.142j V33
1960 34.0 10-11 1990 Q.9_10 V39
1962 34.2 10-11 1990 Q.8_10 V38

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available. 

(2) Also asked for "interest in local politics" (V29). 

(3) Further topics are: social issues such as education, health care, poverty etc.; the European Union; the economy; sport; the environment; culture.

(4) Different question context with dichotomised answer: Please tell me if you are fairly interested or not in each of the following topics: (1) Sports; (2) ; (3) Economics and finance; (4) Science and technology; (5) Culture.

(5) Different question context with 3-point answer scale: In everyday life, we have to deal with many different problems and situations, where we feel more or less interested and confident. I am going to read you a number of statements. For each of them, please tell me whether you feel they are true for you most of the time, or some of the time, or hardly any of the time. (1) ; (2) I feel well informed about what is going on in politics; (3) I find it difficult to follow political arguments and debates; (4) I am interested in science and technology; ... (in total 10 items)

(6) Different question context with 3-point answer scale: For each issue I read out, please tell me if you are very interested, moderately interested or not at all interested in it. (1) Sports news; (2) ; (3) New medical discoveries; (4) Environmental pollution; (5) New inventions and technologies; (6) New scientific discoveries.

(7) Different question context: For each of the following statements, please tell mi if it applies to you often, sometimes, rarely or never. (1)  (2) I keep up to date on what is going on in politics; (3) I discuss politics with other people;  (4) I am interested in science and technology; (5) I keep up to date on what is going on in science and technology; (6) I discuss science and technology with other people.