Eurobarometer Data Service

Personal Importance of Religion

(If belonging to a religion) Do you personally feel, irrespective of how often you go to church, that your religion is of great importance, some importance, or only of little importance in your life?

  • 1. Great importance
  • 2. Some importance
  • 3. Only of little importance
  • 4. Don't know / No answer
ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
0988 4 10 1975 Q.258 V141
0989 5 5-6 1976 Q.239b V149
0990 6 11 1976 Q.236 V158
0991 7 4-5 1977 Q.171 V95
0992 8 10-11 1977 Q.226 V120
0995 10a 10-11 1978 Q.242 V69
1036 11 4 1979 Q.242 V116
1037 12 10 1979 Q.135 V36
1320 21 3-4 1984 Q.423 V231
1544 26 10-11 1986 Q.359 V200
2346 39.0 3-4 1993 Q.92(2) V646

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available. 

(2) Different question asked in Eurobarometer 39.0: For each of the following could you tell me if they are something generally important, or generally not important, to you? RELIGION mentioned among other issues.