Eurobarometer 44.1     November-December 1995     ZA No.  2690

Education and Training Throughout Life and the Common European Currency

Special Topics

  • EU-citizens' expectation for 1996
  • Attitudes towards the Single European Currency
  • Informedness on the European Union, attitudes and expectations towards European policies and the European Parliament (including fundamental EU objectives)
  • Consumer behavior with respect to food products and labeling
  • Attitudes and perceptions concerning the "Third World" and aid to development
  • Attitudes towards education and training throughout life and children's education at school
  • Attitudes towards other EU countries (trustworthy ...)
  • The image of Italy in Europe

Documents and Data


  • Questions on attitudes towards the "Single European Currency" (Q.3 and Q.9 to Q.21) are repeated from Eurobarometer 44.0 and should be analyzed in combination.
  • Questions on "education and training throughout life" and "children’s education at school" (Q.92 to Q.118) are repeated from Eurobarometer 44.0, but are only asked to respondents aged 15-24 years. Meaningful results are obtained for the total population on the 44.0 data; for the target group of young people and specific needs of this questionnaire topic, one should combine the 44.1 youth subsample with the corresponding 44.0 data.
  • The parallel survey conducted in NORWAY is not part of the official Eurobarometer 44.1.
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)


  • European Commission: EUROBAROMETER 44. Public Opinion in the European Community. Brussels, Spring 1996.
  • INRA (Europe) pour la Commission Européenne, Direction Générale VI.BI.4: Les labels de qualité. Bruxelles, mars 1996.
  • INRA (Europe) for the European Commission, DG VIII: The Way Europeans perceive developing Countries in 1995. Brussels, 20th March 1996 (also available in French)
  • European Commission: Europeans and their Attitudes to Education and Training. 1997.
  • European Commission: European Citizens and the EURO, Brussels, 1996 (Results of two EU-wide opinion polls carried out 15 Oct-15 Dec and 16 Dec-20 Dec on behalf of the European Commission Survey Research Unit "Eurobarometer Opinion Polls". 22-24 January 1996. Round table on the Euro. Executive summary. Press release.) (also available in French and German)