Eurobarometer special topics
Standard & Special Eurobarometer have intermittently investigated a broad scope of special topics, such as agriculture, biotechnology, energy, environment, gender roles, immigration, information society, knowledge of foreign languages, poverty and social exclusion, public health, regional identity, science and technology, working conditions, urban traffic etc. A Eurobarometer specific subject tree supports the identification of these topical modules throughout the survey series.
Please select
Age Groups
- EB 85.1OVR
- CCEB 2003.1
- EB 55.1OVR
- EB 47.2OVR
- EB 34.2
- EB 34.0
- EB 28.1
- EB 28
- EB 17
- Flash EB 202/395
Youth: Drug addiction
Mass media
Media attentiveness_(use and preferences)
Television european wide
Information Society
Information systems / services
- EB 98.1
- EB 99.1
- EB 94.2
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.4
- EB 92.3
- EB 92.2
- EB 91.2
- EB 90.2
- EB 88.3
- EB 87.4
- EB 87.2
- EB 86.2
- EB 86.1
- EB 85.1OVR
- EB 85.1
- EB 84.3
- EB 83.1
- EB 82.3
- EB 82.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.4
- EB 78.1
- EB 77.2
- EB 76.3
- EB 74.3
- EB 74.1
- EB 66.1
- EB 65.4
- EB 62.2
- EB 62.1
- CCEB 2004.1
- EB 60.2
- CCEB 2003.3
- EB 59.2
- EB 58.0
- EB 56.2
- EB 56.0
- EB 55.2
- EB 54.2
- EB 54.0
- EB 53
- EB 52.1
- EB 50.1
- EB 47.0
- EB 46.1
- Flash EB series: Internet and Special Target Groups
- Trend: Access to Information Society Services
Consumer behaviour
Consumer associations
Cultural identity
European values
- EB 100.2
- EB 99.4
- EB 98.2
- EB 98.1
- EB 97.5
- EB 96.3
- EB 95.3
- EB 94.3
- EB 94.1
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.4
- EB 92.3
- EB 92.2
- EB 91.5
- EB 91.2
- EB 91.1
- EB 90.3
- EB 90.2
- EB 90.1
- EB 89.2
- EB 89.1
- EB 88.3
- EB 88.1
- EB 87.3
- EB 87.2
- EB 86.2
- EB 86.1
- EB 85.2
- EB 84.3
- EB 83.3
- EB 82.4
- EB 82.3
- EB 81.4
- EB 81.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.5
- EB 79.3
- EB 77.3
- EB 76.4
- EB 72.4
- EB 71.3
- EB 69.2
- EB 67.1
- EB 66.1
- Flash EB 217
- EB 60.1
- CCEB 2003.5
- Trend: Value orientation (Inglehart)
- Trend: Social and political values
National / European identity
- EB 100.2
- EB 99.4
- EB 98.2
- EB 97.5
- EB 96.3
- EB 95.3
- EB 94.3
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.4
- EB 92.3
- EB 92.2
- EB 91.5
- EB 91.2
- EB 91.1
- EB 90.3
- EB 90.2
- EB 90.1
- EB 89.1
- EB 88.3
- EB 88.1
- EB 87.3
- EB 87.2
- EB 86.2
- EB 86.1
- EB 85.2
- EB 84.3
- EB 84.1
- EB 83.3
- EB 82.4
- EB 82.3
- EB 81.4
- EB 81.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.5
- EB 79.3
- EB 78.1
- EB 77.3
- EB 73.4
- EB 73.3
- EB 71.3
- EB 70.1
- EB 69.2
- EB 67.1
- EB 66.1
- EB 62.0
- EB 60.1
- EB 57.2
- EB 54.1
- EB 42
- EB 33
- Trend: National Pride
- Trend: National vs. European Identity
Regional identity
Economic issues
International economics
Globalisation (crisis)
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.3
- EB 91.5
- EB 91.4
- EB 90.3
- EB 89.1
- EB 88.3
- EB 87.3
- EB 86.2
- EB 85.2
- EB 84.3
- EB 83.3
- EB 82.3
- EB 81.4
- EB 81.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.5
- EB 79.3
- EB 79.2
- EB 78.1
- EB 77.3
- EB 77.2
- EB 76.3
- EB 76.2
- EB 76.1
- EB 75.2
- EB 75.3
- EB 74.2
- EB 74.1
- EB 73.4
- EB 72.4
- EB 71.3
- EB 71.2
- EB 71.1
- EB 70.1
- EB 69.2
- EB 67.2
- EB 66.1
- EB 65.1
- EB 64.2
- EB 63.4
- CCEB 2004.1
- EB 61
- EB 55.1
- Flash EB series: Social Impact of the Crisis
Trade: Fair trade products
Trans-national enterprises
Employment and Labour
Conditions of employment
Domestic responsibilities
Child care
Family work relationship
- EB 72.2
- Flash EB 247
Domestic responsibilities
Gender Role / women-s role
EU gender politics
Family life
Living conditions
Quality of life
- EB 100.2
- EB 99.4
- EB 98.2
- EB 97.5
- EB 96.3
- EB 95.3
- EB 94.3
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.3
- EB 91.5
- EB 90.3
- EB 89.1
- EB 88.3
- EB 87.3
- EB 86.2
- EB 85.2
- EB 84.3
- EB 84.1
- EB 83.3
- EB 82.3
- EB 81.5
- EB 81.4
- EB 81.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.4
- EB 79.3
- EB 78.1
- EB 77.4
- EB 77.3
- EB 76.4
- EB 76.3
- EB 75.4
- EB 73.5
- EB 73.2+73.3
- EB 71.2
- EB 66.3
- EB 65.2
- EB 64.2
- EB 63.4
- Trend: Personal situation in the past and the future
- Trend: Economic and financial situation last year
- Trend: Expectations of change over the next year
Social inequality / disadvantage
Natural Environment
Environmental deterioration (Climate change see: Energy)
Natural Resources: Biodiversity
Natural Resources: Energy
Political attitudes / support
- Trend: Legitimacy of political systems
- Trend: Attitudes towards society (Anomia)
- Trend: Basic attitudes towards society (social change)
- Trend: Satisfaction with democracy
Political extremism
Political trust: institutions
- EB 100.2
- EB 99.4
- EB 98.2
- EB 97.5
- EB 96.3
- EB 95.3
- EB 94.3
- EB 93.1
- EB 92.3
- EB 91.5
- EB 91.2
- EB 90.3
- EB 89.1
- EB 88.3
- EB 87.3
- EB 86.2
- EB 85.2
- EB 84.3
- EB 83.3
- EB 82.3
- EB 81.4
- EB 81.2
- EB 80.1
- EB 79.3
- EB 78.1
- EB 77.3
- EB 76.3
- EB 64.2
- EB 63.4
- EB 62.0
- EB 61
- EB 60.1
- EB 59.1
- EB 55.1
- EB 54.1
- EB 53
- EB 52.0
- EB 51.0
- EB 50.1
- EB 48.0
- Trend: Trust in national and European institutions
Political Participation
Social participation
Political Parties / Elections
National Elections
POLITICS:_International relations
Human rights
International security
POLITICS:_International relations: EU
EU: Civil rights
EU: Political Institutions:_European Court of Justice
EU: Political Institutions:_European Parliament
- EB 100.1
- EB 99.1
- EB 98.1
- EB 97.3
- EB 96.2
- EB 95.1
- EB 94.2
- EB 92.2
- EB 91.1
- EB 90.1
- EB 89.2
- EB 88.1
- EB 87.1
- EB 86.1
- EB 84.1
- EB 82.4
- EB 79.5
- EB 78.2
- EB 77.4
- EB 76.3
- EB 74.3
- EB 73.1
- EB 71.1
- EB 70.1
- EB 68.1
- EB 61
- EB 60.1
- EB 59.1
- EB 57.1
- EB 54.1
- EB 53
- EB 51.0
- EB 50.0
- EB 49
- EB 47.2
- EB 43.1
- EB 42
- EB 41.0
- EB 39.0
- EB 31
- EB 20
- EB 19
- EB 12
- EB 7
POLITICS: International understanding
Crossnational perceptions
Public Health
Addiction: Alcohol abuse
Addiction: Drug abuse
Diet: Drinking habits
Public safety
Science and technology
Notes on the Eurobarometer topic classification
Each keyword leads to the study profile of the relevant Eurobarometer survey(s) for direct access to all available documentation (study description, codebook, basic bilingual and country specific field questionnaires, data access) and related primary publications (reports).
Whenever possible, subject terms have been adopted in accordance with the UK Data Archive's HASSET thesaurus or the ICPSR subject thesaurus depending on adequacy.
Please notice that the keywords in the subject tree only refer to distinct special topical modules in the Eurobarometer series. Stand alone questions or standard EU topics are not considered. The appearance of several surveys under the same topic does not necessarily imply that identical or equivalent questions have been asked. If needed, the hierarchical structure of the subject tree has been adapted for user friendly display.
The main subject categories for the classification of the FLASH Eurobarometer are documented separately.
Special topic: Discrimination
Eurobarometer have repeatedly focussed on discrimination against racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation and sex. While perspectives partly changed, a few measures for awareness and experience of discrimination or attitudes towards out-groups have been repeated over time. Recently this special topic was surveyed in the context of Eurobarometer 83.4 (2015).
- Eurobarometer by keyword (Please select in the list above "Living conditions - Social inequality / disadvantage – Discrimination")
- Questions over time [EXCEL]
- Results via EU Open Data Portal
Special topic: Development
One of the special topics investigated across the Eurobarometer series regards the international aid to development (Eurobarometer by keyword: Please select "POLITICS: International relations - Development aid /_developing countries"), starting already with EB 20 (1983). An exemplary research article on attitudes towards development aid is based on EB 71.2 (2009).