Speed dating with science - To all those who are curious and thirsty for knowledge, we want to make another exciting offer with the upcoming Book a Scientist on November 8, 2022: Book your exclusive, virtual appointment with Leibniz scientists. In personal conversations, researchers will provide insight into their topics and their everyday work, answer your individual questions, and look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
You can now reserve 25-minute one-on-one meetings with a Leibniz expert. To do so, click on an available appointment of your choice on the Book a Scientist website and then enter your contact details and already one or two questions on the topic, so that our scientists know what you might be particularly interested in.
The offer is free of charge. The discussions take place virtually.
Book your "date" with a bright mind and choose from over 120 topics for your conversation. All topics and dates can be found here: https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/bookascientist.
From GESIS including:
- David J. Grüning: Neugier, eine zentrale Persönlichkeitseigenschaft! Welche Arten der Neugier gibt es und was bringt es mir, neugierig zu sein? [only in German]
- Dr. Sebastian E. Wenz: Bildungsungleichheit: Wie tragen Diskriminierung, Vorurteile und Stereotype dazu bei und wer leidet darunter?/ Educational inequality: how do discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes contribute and who suffers? [German/English]
- Dr. Dorothée Behr: Vor welche sprachlichen Herausforderungen stellen uns international vergleichende Studien?/ What language challenges do international comparative studies present us with? [German/English]
- Dr. Matthias Sand: Wann sind Umfragen „repräsentativ“? [only in German]
We look forward to your registration and questions!