Final release ISSP Data on Health and Health Care out now!

Categories: ISSP; GESIS-News

ISSP 2021 - "Health and Health Care II" doi: 10.4232/5.ZA8000.2.0.0

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) has conducted a survey that sheds light on attitudes, opinions, and behavior related to Health and Health Care across six continents. The final release contains data from 30 countries.

Among other topics, respondents were asked about their satisfaction with their national health care systems and policies, access to health care for different parts of society, their view on alternative/traditional medicine, using the Internet for diagnoses, and their personal health status. Surveyed the second time (first in 2011), the data not only enable cross-national but also time comparisons.

For more information on the ISSP module, see the GESIS module web page:

Free data download is available at: