For students with higher Conscientiousness the transition to VET is easier.

Categories: GESIS-News

New open access article available:

Nießen, D., Danner, D., Spengler, M., & Lechner, C. M. (2020). Big Five personality traits predict successful transitions from school to vocational education and training: A large-scale study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1827.

The authors examined the role played by personality traits of lower and intermediate secondary schools students (Hauptschüler and Realschüler) in a successful transition from school to vocational education and training (VET). They defined “successful transitions” comprehensively on the basis of 7 criteria such as the number of acceptances for VET positions, final VET grade, actual dropout, and satisfaction with VET. The main findings of the analyses are as follows: To a certain extent, personality traits can predict the success of educational transitions, even beyond the socioeconomic status of the parental home and cognitive ability. It is particularly Conscientiousness (i.e., achievement-striving, responsibility, orderliness) that pays off: For students with higher Conscientiousness the transition to VET is easier.