FreDA/pairfam Campus Use Files Released with Current FReDA Wave 2 Data

Categories: GESIS-News

The FreDA/pairfam Campus Use Files (CUFs), which are published and made available in a joint release, are high-quality, easily accessible panel data sets that are specifically designed for educational purposes. Together, the newly released CUFs include all 14 waves of pairfam as well as all currently released FReDA waves (waves 1 and 2), thereby making them a valuable resource for academic teaching. They will enable students and teachers at universities and other scientific institutions to use FReDA and pairfam data in learning and teaching contexts.

Special Features of the CUFs

The FreDA/pairfam CUFs are specific versions of the respective Scientific Use Files (SUFs). For data protection reasons, and to make the data more manageable, the CUFs contain only selected parts of the samples and variables of the original SUFs. As the CUFs are intended for use as practice data sets, they are not suitable for use in scientific publications. As a joint release by FReDA and pairfam, the CUFs include a subsample of previous FReDA and pairfam samples. With the release of all 14 waves of pairfam as well as the two FReDA waves released to date, the FreDA/pairfam CUFs offer a comprehensive data basis for academic teaching. Students and teachers thus have access to a valuable tool that will enable them to work with real, high-quality data without having to apply for access to the complete and sensitive data sets of the FReDA or pairfam SUFs. The FReDA/pairfam CUFs can be requested here.

Usage Notes

The FreDA/pairfam CUFs are not intended for use in scientific publications. Researchers who wish to use FReDA or pairfam data for scientific publications should use the FReDA SUF data (Bujard et al., 2024), which also include all 14 waves of the pairfam SUF. Access to the FReDA SUF data can be requested through GESIS.