GESIS has new Statutes

Categories: GESIS-News

Over the past few years, the institute has worked intensively on new Statutes, which has now been entered in the register of associations. One of the most important changes is that the GESIS Executive Board will in future consist of three people: two scientific board members and one administrative board member.

"The new Statutes are an important milestone. The institute and its environment have developed and changed significantly over the last two decades. Strategic challenges have increased, GESIS has grown and the demands on the institute have increased. With the new Executive Board model, GESIS is ensuring its future viability and resilience,” explains Prof. Dr. Christof Wolf, President of GESIS. The members of the Executive Board must now be appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Another important change is that other higher education institutions can now also become members of GESIS, not just universities. "Scientists and students at other higher educations institutions already use our services in large numbers. It is therefore important to us that we can work even more closely with these institutions," says Wolf.

The new Statutes can be found here:

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