Löther, Andrea (2022): Gleichstellungspolitische Aspekte von Personalstrukturen auf dem Weg zur Professur sowie befristeter Beschäftigung in der Wissenschaft. Unter Mitarbeit von Sarah Weißmann. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften: Köln (cews.publik, 26). (URL: https://www.gesis.org/cews/portfolio/publikationen/cewspublik)
Who works under what conditions in science? In a new study, the CEWS analyzes personnel structures and temporary employment with regard to equality.
Political discussions on the careers and employment conditions of young scientists are currently focusing in particular on the further development of personnel structures on the path to professorship and the high proportion of fixed-term employment contracts. The career phase after the doctorate, which is addressed by the further development of personnel structures, is crucial from an equality policy perspective in order to increase the proportion of women in leadership positions. The study of CEWS at GESIS therefore examines the changed personnel structures on the way to professorship and the effects of fixed-term employment at universities and research institutions with regard to their gender policy implications.