New data infrastructure project for the racism and right-wing extremism research: DP-R|EX

Categories: GESIS-News

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is pleased to announce that the collaborative project "Data Portal for Research on Racism and Right-Wing Extremism" (DP-R|EX) has officially started on 01 March 2022 after a six-month exploratory period. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) between 2021-2026. Aligned to GESIS, the Research Data Center Qualiservice, the Research Data Center of the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM.fdz) and the (Social) Media Observatory (SMO) at the Hans-Bredow-Institute (HBI) are involved in the project.

The project will establish a FAIR data infrastructure dedicated for R|EX-research to reduce barriers regarding the re-use of research data. For this purpose, a domain-specific data portal will be developed, which is not a simple search engine, but conveys concrete offers to support the search and management as well as sharing of data to facilitate the research process in a sustainable way. The interdisciplinary research activities of the GESIS project team in the field of empirical research on prejudice are clustered in the Cologne Prejudice and Extremism Lab (ColPreExLab).

The initiation of the project goes back to the 2020 catalog of measures adopted by the German cabinet committee for countering right-wing extremism and racism. The goals of these measures are to better understand the aforementioned phenomena, their causes and consequences, and to intensify the fight against racist discrimination, right-wing extremist attacks and group-based enmity. In line with this, the federal government's data strategy also aims to improve access to high-quality data in the research domain in accordance with the FAIR principles.