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New paper on Social Media Archiving has been published

Categories: Forschung

Kinder-Kurlanda, Katharina; Weller, Katrin; Zenk-Möltgen, Wolfgang; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Morstatter, Fred (2017): Archiving information from geotagged tweets to promote reproducibility and comparability in social media research. Big Data & Society (July-December), pp.1-14, doi: 10.1177/2053951717736336

Sharing social media research datasets allows for reproducibility and peer-review, but it is very often difficult or even impossible to achieve due to legal restrictions and can also be ethically questionable. What is more, research data repositories and other research infrastructure and research support institutions are only starting to target social media researchers. In this paper, we present a practical solution to sharing social media data with the help of a social science data archive. Our aim is to contribute to the effort of enhancing comparability and reproducibility in social media research by taking some first steps towards setting standards for sustainable data archiving.